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A Little Rp I Did With A Friend Via Steam (Warning A Wall Of Text)


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1:52 PM - Atraue: *we're in the middle of a fight*

1:52 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *looks at you*

1:53 PM - Atraue: *is PRETTY tired by now*

1:53 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (like verbal fight or otherwise)

1:53 PM - Atraue: ((physical))

1:53 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (sparring or otherwise?)

1:53 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (can it be a sparring match?)

1:53 PM - Atraue: (sparing))

1:55 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *cracks knuckles*

1:55 PM - Ultimate Chimera: that all youve got?

1:55 PM - Atraue: Heh....

1:55 PM - Atraue: *charges at you with sound breaking speed*

1:56 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *dissapears and reappears behind you and forces you to the ground with a neck grab*

1:56 PM - Atraue: Gachk!

1:56 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *lets go and kicks you two the wall*

1:57 PM - Atraue: *cracks the wall*

1:58 PM - Atraue: *stands back up*

1:59 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you know its hopeless right?

1:59 PM - Atraue: *stands still for a second*

2:01 PM - Ultimate Chimera: are you thinking of a strategy

2:02 PM - Atraue: *laughs lightly*

2:03 PM - Atraue: *growels*

2:03 PM - Atraue: *charges at you and aidssapears*

2:03 PM - Atraue: *reappears uppercutting you*

2:03 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *my head goes upwards*

2:03 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *looks down at you with my eyes not moving my head*

2:04 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *grabs your neck*

2:04 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and drives you to the wall*

2:04 PM - Atraue: FACK

2:04 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *is choking you as my left eye begins turning black*

2:04 PM - Atraue: *punches your stomach*

2:05 PM - Atraue: *opens hand blasting a giant arrow of black and red energy through you*

2:05 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *eyes widen*

2:05 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *laughs*

2:05 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the hole in my torso turns black as it regenerates*

2:06 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *releases my grip from you*

2:06 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *places hand on your forehead*

2:06 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *swings you and tosses you to the wall and you bounce off and hit the floor at high speeds*

2:06 PM - Atraue: *cracks*

2:07 PM - Atraue: *slowly stands up*

2:07 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *points at you with one finger and energy begins gathering infront of my finger*

2:07 PM - Atraue: *puts hand forward and starts chargering something*

2:07 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *multiple orbs are forming infront of me*

2:09 PM - Ultimate Chimera: your finished

2:09 PM - Atraue: *grins*


2:09 PM - Atraue: *fires by beam*

2:09 PM - Atraue: *it starts spinning around you*

2:11 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *this plays

2:11 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the beams all fire at once towards you*

2:12 PM - Ultimate Chimera: 8and the orbs tre firing from are moving*

2:12 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (the room is made of material that can withstand our battles*

2:12 PM - Atraue: ((once Again, Atraue can't win because helios goes all out and Atraue sees no reason to use what he relaly has XD))

2:13 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (actually this isnt all out)

2:13 PM - Atraue: *keeps firing my burning sensation at you, your now surrounded by it*

2:13 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (just a modified version of one of his lesser attacks)

2:13 PM - Atraue: *closes fit as the cone of fire closes around you and explodes*

2:15 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *hits the wall behind me*

2:15 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *puts my hands together and pulls them apart as a portal opens between them*

2:15 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *multiple red eyes open in it as a large pixelated beam is fired from the portal at you*

2:16 PM - Atraue: *is sent flying into the wall cracking it*

2:16 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *is still firing the beam*

2:17 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *stops firing and closes the portal*

2:18 PM - Atraue: ....

2:18 PM - Atraue: *you now notice I've been holding back for every fight we've had*

2:18 PM - Ultimate Chimera: hmmm

2:18 PM - Ultimate Chimera: youve been holding back

2:19 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *my iris's glow red*

2:19 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i will crush the life out of you for such an insult

2:19 PM - Atraue: *Atraue grins*

2:19 PM - Atraue: How'd you find out?

2:19 PM - Ultimate Chimera: the EYES

2:20 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *refrencing those eyes you saw in the portal*

2:20 PM - Atraue: *atraue closes his eyes, when he re-opens them, he's calm, his irises dark purple*

2:21 PM - Atraue: *atraues energy spikes tenfold from what it is normally*

2:21 PM - Atraue: *starts wlaking towards you*

2:22 PM - Atraue: *at maximum power, Atraue is near Helios's power*

2:22 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *laughs and plunges my hand into myself*

2:22 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *pulls it out holding nothing*

2:22 PM - Ultimate Chimera: 8but i did damage to myself for some reason*

2:23 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the black areas on my body begin to flicker to life with green energy*

2:23 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *they glow green now with crackles of energy running through them*

2:24 PM - Atraue: *charges and punche syou in the fast*

2:24 PM - Atraue: face*

2:24 PM - Atraue: *sends you into a wall*

2:24 PM - Ultimate Chimera: attack me more! i dare you! *my energy output has doubled for some reason*

2:25 PM - Atraue: *Atraue jumps back and charges something*

2:25 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *punches the ground and causes a seismac (or however its spelt) shockwave*

2:25 PM - Atraue: *jumps up still charging8

2:25 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *rushes at you at double my previous speed*

2:26 PM - Atraue: *fires it in time*

2:26 PM - Atraue: *you get hit with double the amount of energy you've relaly allowed me to use normally*

2:26 PM - Atraue: *for my sake that is*

2:26 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *is sent to the wall again*

2:26 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the glowing on the black portions of my body gets more intense as my eyes whites turn yellow*

2:26 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *roars*

2:27 PM - Atraue: *keeps firing it*

2:27 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (this version of helios powers up with damage at a cost for defense)

2:27 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *fires a beam from the hole i made in myself earlier*

2:27 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its much stronger then it was the last time i used it*

2:28 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and getting stronger as you damage me*

2:28 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (atraue?)

2:29 PM - Atraue: (sorry)

2:29 PM - Atraue: *our beams clash*

2:29 PM - Ultimate Chimera: is that all youve got!?

2:29 PM - Atraue: *we're pretty equal now*

2:30 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *dissapears from my previous location and you cant sense me*

2:30 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *appears beside you and punches you*

2:30 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *my strength has been doubled due to me being damaged*

2:30 PM - Atraue: *doesn't budgde8

2:30 PM - Atraue: *looks at you*

2:30 PM - Atraue: *is REALLTY tired*

2:31 PM - Atraue: *falls down onto my feet on the floor*

2:31 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *my fist is covered in a black energy that i normally dont produce unless somethings gone wrong*

2:31 PM - Atraue: *falls onto a knee*

2:31 PM - Atraue: *pulls out the red cloth&*

2:31 PM - Atraue: *forfeits*

2:31 PM - Atraue: *coughs up blood*

2:32 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *laughing maniacly still*

2:32 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the yellowing of my eye is getting more serious*

2:32 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (on some occasions helios may go into a frenzied state in which he looses reason)

2:33 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (the only way to revert him from this state is to damage one of his black spots enough for energy to begin leaking)

2:33 PM - Atraue: *atraues screams a deafening blast that he uses when something like this happenes*

2:34 PM - Atraue: *my energy replenishes and charges helios*

2:34 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *grabs you and your skin is being burnt heavily and the pain is intense*

2:34 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *though this leaves a "Gate" revealed*

2:34 PM - Atraue: *Punches you in the face extrremely hard8

2:35 PM - Atraue: *stunning you*

2:35 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *stumbles back a bit then roars again*

2:35 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the gates on my bodys glow gets more intense*

2:35 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (gates are the only spot on helios that dont cause him to gain power when hit)

2:36 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (due to his body being reactive to damage but due to the nature of the gates this reactive poweri ncrease cannot occur if hit there)

2:36 PM - Atraue: *charges a beam of hell energy8

2:36 PM - Atraue: *fires atn one of the "gates"*

2:36 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (the gates are the black points on his body)

2:36 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *roars and stumbles back*

2:36 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *covers the gate again*

2:37 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the gates begin to move to the center of my chest*

2:37 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *as heavy armour scales are growing out around the center of my chest*

2:37 PM - Atraue: *atraue starts to charge his energy*

2:37 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the gates all have moved to the center of my chest*

2:38 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the scales grow rapidly to cover the gate*

2:38 PM - Atraue: *fires anotehr beam*

2:38 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (if gates touch they combine)

2:38 PM - Atraue: *something even Helios wouldn't allow*

2:38 PM - Atraue: *hits the massive gate*

2:38 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *leaps out of the way*

2:38 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *though my arm was torn a bit revealing the highly reactive flesh im made from*

2:39 PM - Atraue: *CHarges mye nergy more8

2:39 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (this helios can shift his cells as long as they arent dead to allow for alternate forms)

2:39 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *puts arms forward and my arms shift into two massive shields*

2:40 PM - Atraue: A foolish move...

2:40 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *two organic cannons grow out of the shield and open fire on you*

2:40 PM - Atraue: *dodges them*

2:40 PM - Atraue: *still charging my energy around me*

2:41 PM - Atraue: HAAAAAAAAA!!!!! *releases a giant shockspehere hitting every single inch of your body*

2:41 PM - Atraue: *our rooms matieral cracks a bunch*

2:41 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *roars again*

2:41 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *goes into an armoured cacoon sort of state*

2:41 PM - Atraue: *looks at the gate*

2:41 PM - Atraue: *punches through his gate out his back*

2:41 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the gate is not visible through the cacoon*

2:42 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and the cacoon is impervious to most forms of attack*

2:42 PM - Atraue: *Atraue charges his energy*

2:43 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the cacoon is growing a second layer*

2:43 PM - Atraue: ( thsi plays

2:44 PM - Atraue: *Atraue runs at heliso*

2:45 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *an eye appears on the cacoon and fires a pixelated beam at you*

2:45 PM - Ultimate Chimera: its capable of doing heavy damage to you*

2:45 PM - Atraue: *fires my hell's flash at it, they clash*

2:45 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its beam is slowly beating yours*

2:46 PM - Atraue: *all my built up hate realeases*

2:46 PM - Atraue: 8starts to over power the pixleated beam*

2:46 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *suddenly both beams are canceled out and everything goes black*

2:46 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *your surrounded by the red eyes you saw in the portal earlier in the fight*

2:47 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and whispers about many possible ways you could die*

2:47 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *in horrifying  detail*

2:47 PM - Atraue: *charges hell sphere*


2:47 PM - Atraue: (caps)

2:48 PM - Atraue: *8releases shcokwave*

2:48 PM - Atraue: *the eyes feel the amount of pure hate and agony that the hellsphere makes*

2:48 PM - Atraue: *and the eyes start to disentagrate*

2:49 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the eyes are being eaten by bigger eyes*

2:49 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *a large red mouth that looks like it has black liquid running down it with one giant red eye with a black pupil above it manifests infront of you*

2:50 PM - Atraue: *charges a beam*

2:50 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *it zooms into you at high speeds and you feel the pain of being eaten*

2:50 PM - Atraue: *starts spinning and fires the beam*

2:50 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and your body begins turning black*

2:50 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *with black with red outline pixels are coming off of the black parts of your body and its spreading*

2:51 PM - Atraue: *clams down and stops firing the blast*

2:51 PM - Atraue: *perks up*

2:51 PM - Atraue: ALPHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

2:52 PM - Atraue: 8a warrior in full white and blue armor breaks through the surrounded wall around me and releases  Haven''s Gate*

2:52 PM - Atraue: *a power so devastating to darkness it destroys the black growing on me, and the eyes*

2:52 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the blackness around you releases a horrifying shriek and your only chance of escaping is leaving through the broken black wall around you*

2:53 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *whatever is in here its coming for you and it is PISSED*

2:53 PM - Atraue: *Backflips out*

2:53 PM - Atraue: *alpha leaves too*

2:53 PM - Atraue: Alpha:Why'd you need me Brother Atraue?

2:53 PM - Atraue: ...Just dont question it...

2:54 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the creature in the darkness does that shriek again*

2:54 PM - Ultimate Chimera: 8its close!*

2:54 PM - Atraue: *atraue grabs alpha and alpha melts into Atraue*

2:54 PM - Atraue: *a Sync*

2:54 PM - Atraue: *My power is doubled*

2:54 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the shriek sounds again it feels like its right ontop of you*

2:54 PM - Atraue: *Hell/heaen spheres*

2:55 PM - Atraue: (meaning, it's a mix of hell energy's and heaven energies)

2:55 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (remember the Hunter from the scp rp?)

2:55 PM - Atraue: ((such a counterproduction that it cuases more damage then the two alone)

2:55 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (its that thats in the darkness)

2:55 PM - Atraue: ((my guy or your guy?)

2:55 PM - Atraue: ((there were two hunters))

2:55 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (the creature with bioluminescence in its stomach)

2:55 PM - Atraue: ((the Keter?))

2:55 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (yea)

2:56 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (that was chasing you through the matinence tunnels)

2:56 PM - Atraue: *closes the blackness where I exited*

2:56 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its difficult to close and the creature shrieks again*

2:56 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its about to attack you*

2:57 PM - Atraue: *closes it in time*

2:57 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the creature is slightly visible now all you can see is two glowing grey eyes hidden a bit by pitch black fur*

2:57 PM - Ultimate Chimera: 8its taller then anything youve seen*

2:57 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and its clear it doesent have feet just spike like limbs*

2:57 PM - Atraue: ((Probably not..))

2:57 PM - Atraue: ((comsidering how everyone in Atraues fmaily is above 7 feet if their lucky))

2:58 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (this is before they saw something taller then an elephant)

2:58 PM - Atraue: (atraue himself is about 7'5)

2:58 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (rping as the creature)

2:58 PM - Atraue: F***....

2:58 PM - Atraue: what was that

2:58 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *you can see into the darkness*

2:59 PM - Atraue: ((I dont wanna fight the creative I wanna fight Helios >.<))

2:59 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and its staring at you with its dull grey eyes*

3:00 PM - Atraue: ....

3:00 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *you can see a wall just above the darkness thats the wall oppisate of you*

3:00 PM - Atraue: *doesn't let it react soon and fires a large Heaven's Flash*

3:00 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the walls destroyed*

3:00 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *as if that was the creatures entrance point*

3:00 PM - Ultimate Chimera: it releases that shriek again*

3:01 PM - Atraue: (is this thing literally invincleable?))

3:01 PM - Atraue: ((It IS pure light from heaven))

3:02 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (it is as durable as 682)

3:02 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (it can be incapacitated)

3:02 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (but there is no known means that can actually kill it)

3:02 PM - Ultimate Chimera: (though it regenerates at a much slower pace)

3:03 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *after the light of the beam fades you can see the creature on the ground its eyes closed*

3:04 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *and the side of the creature was gone with its inner stomach visible*

3:04 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *theres bioluminescence inside like youd see at the bottom of the ocean*

3:04 PM - Atraue: *atraue now, if he uses every bit of his power, could just barely beat helios is a miracle happened*

3:05 PM - Atraue: *charges another one*

3:05 PM - Atraue: 8even staronger then the one before8

3:05 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the darkness hardened to being indestructable*

3:05 PM - Ultimate Chimera: 8but the creature is unable to move but still concious*

3:05 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its now looking around*

3:06 PM - Atraue: (atraues expression is now that of Gohans in the music's picture)

3:06 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its groaning a bit*

3:06 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *it becomes clear the creature wasent attacking out of malice*

3:06 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *it was attracted to you for some reason*

3:07 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *a charisteristic in its prey is likely the cause*

3:07 PM - Atraue: *keeps charging the beam*

3:07 PM - Atraue: *the creature finds it clear I dont want to kill it, but I dont want people to be killed b it*

3:08 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *you see one of helios's limbs in the stomach now that its visible*

3:08 PM - Atraue: *eyes widen*

3:08 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *it wasent attracted to you...it was attracted to helios and you were just in the way of its hunt*

3:08 PM - Atraue: *the heaven's flash starts growing stronger8

3:09 PM - Atraue: ((
this plays))

3:09 PM - Atraue: *my energy becomes unstable*

3:10 PM - Atraue: *is extremely angry now*

3:10 PM - Atraue: *lifts hand up*

3:10 PM - Atraue: *starts to charge a Heaven's Gate*

3:10 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *you see its mouth opened when you got angry*

3:10 PM - Atraue: *isn't just angry anymore, I'm pissed beyond calming dpwn(

3:11 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its eating your anger and somehow calming you by doing so*

3:11 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *this thing seems to eat negative emotions if it doesent have an avalible food source*

3:11 PM - Atraue: *still charges it*

3:12 PM - Atraue: *the heaven's gate becomes fully charged as I close my hand around it*

3:12 PM - Atraue: *pulls arm back aiming at the creature8

3:12 PM - Atraue: *is now perfectly calm*

3:12 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its eyes are full of sorrow*

3:13 PM - Atraue: *to charge a heaven's gate, it requres a greta deal of power, and atraue only releases it through full contact emotions*

3:13 PM - Atraue: I do not give you any pity

3:13 PM - Atraue: you abomination....

3:13 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *you see the limb is nearly dissolved*

3:13 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the creatures mouth begins to move as the darkness becomes able to transmit sound*

3:14 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you....are....like....me....

3:14 PM - Atraue: Nothing like you....

3:14 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you....hunt....

3:14 PM - Atraue: *says so genuinely, so serious, its as if I was honestly intending to kill it* I do not HUNT!

3:14 PM - Atraue: *growels*

3:15 PM - Atraue: *the heavens gate becomes unstable with such power*

3:15 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you...dont...want...to...

3:15 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you....are....me....and....i....am....you

3:16 PM - Atraue: *punches forward and opens my hand, the ball of pure light flies into the creature*

3:16 PM - Atraue: *it starts to melt him, entirely*

3:16 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the darkness absorbs it*

3:16 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *though the creature is wounded a bit before its absorbed*

3:16 PM - Ultimate Chimera: your....not....going....to....beat....him

3:17 PM - Ultimate Chimera: he....is....too....strong

3:17 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i....only....got....his...arm

3:17 PM - Atraue: *says in a very torch-like manner* Don't... tell me, what, I. Can't. do

3:17 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *begins getting up having regenerated at an accelerated rate due to feeding off your anger*

3:17 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you are alpha

3:17 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the darkness expands*

3:17 PM - Atraue: **its clear to the creature I have three peope together, in one body all sharing power*

3:18 PM - Atraue: *says in three voices* Alpha, Atraue, And Torch

3:18 PM - Atraue: ((also, when Djin becomes part of the pack, he'll be Delta, not Gamma))

3:18 PM - Atraue: ((delta is before gamma))

3:19 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you are from the other realms

3:19 PM - Atraue: Hmm?

3:19 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you are like me

3:19 PM - Ultimate Chimera: you are not from this realm

3:19 PM - Atraue: So What?

3:19 PM - Atraue: how does that make us alike

3:19 PM - Atraue: *I say charging a three beam energy blast*

3:20 PM - Atraue: *of purple, white and blue8

3:20 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *as the darkness fills the room your beam is nullified*

3:20 PM - Ultimate Chimera: now that we are in the dark

3:20 PM - Ultimate Chimera: we may talk

3:20 PM - Atraue: *puts wrists together in a fashion and pulls them back*

3:21 PM - Atraue: *electricity spakrs between my hands*

3:21 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *your attempts to use an attack are nullified*

3:21 PM - Atraue: *a spark of flame opens up in my hand*

3:21 PM - Atraue: *holds it*

3:21 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *your perfectly visible despite it being pitch black*

3:21 PM - Atraue: 8sits down and starts at it8

3:21 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *though im still the same level of light i was

3:22 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the flame is not doing much more then look pretty

3:22 PM - Atraue: ((the flame sonly suppose to look pretty X3)))

3:22 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i can controll the light levels in here

3:22 PM - Atraue: *is obviously not listening*

3:23 PM - Atraue: ((this starts to play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ondq9zKummI ))

3:23 PM - Atraue: *my energy begins to increase*

3:23 PM - Atraue: *my form flickers*

3:24 PM - Atraue: *says in more of Torch's voice* Welcome the Embodiment of death....

3:24 PM - Atraue: *stands up*

3:24 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *you cant channel energy for some reason to change forms*

3:24 PM - Atraue: *my forms melts into Torch's*

3:24 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *this plays

3:24 PM - Atraue: ((torch:F*** you I'm death XD))

3:24 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *its raining in the darkness*

3:25 PM - Ultimate Chimera: hello torch

3:25 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *isnt from any realm torch knows of*

3:25 PM - Atraue: Torch:Yawn.... *chuckles*

3:25 PM - Atraue: Torch:Never seen you before Demonspawn... you one of Hades' or Satans?

3:25 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i serve neither

3:26 PM - Atraue: Torch:I didn't ask who you served....

3:26 PM - Atraue: Torch:I asked who you were from, either Hell or the Underworld?

3:26 PM - Ultimate Chimera: neither

3:26 PM - Atraue: Torch:you're definetly not of the overworld or Elysium, nor Heaven

3:26 PM - Atraue: Torch:So you're from either Hades' place or Hell *shrugs*

3:27 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i am from the inbetween

3:27 PM - Atraue: Torch:Or Tartarus, whichever

3:27 PM - Atraue: Torch:The Inbetween? haven't seen you there

3:27 PM - Atraue: Torch:Lots of places there

3:27 PM - Ultimate Chimera: that just means that you arent as observant as you think

3:27 PM - Ultimate Chimera: because ive seen you each trip you took there

3:27 PM - Atraue: Torch:Must've come from one of the areas I haven't visited yet

3:28 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i come from the forest of eternal rain

3:28 PM - Atraue: *torch's smile fades*

3:28 PM - Ultimate Chimera: a place without war nor attack

3:28 PM - Atraue: Torch:Oh... *he says ina  darker, less 'calm' voice* Its you....

3:28 PM - Ultimate Chimera: the voices youve heard in there are me

3:28 PM - Atraue: Torch:The Hunter right?

3:28 PM - Ultimate Chimera: yes

3:29 PM - Atraue: Torch:I go in there mostly to get away from all the hate I go through

3:29 PM - Ultimate Chimera: it is a good choice to escape the hate and troubles of this world

3:29 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i do not hunt in the forest for that would disrupt its ever present balance

3:29 PM - Atraue: Torch:The Inbetween huh...? isn't that just near the void or something? shortest trips I have to take

3:29 PM - Ultimate Chimera: yes

3:30 PM - Ultimate Chimera: the forest is deeper within the inbetween then you have gone

3:30 PM - Ultimate Chimera: thoguh i have ventured up from time to time

3:30 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *though*

3:30 PM - Atraue: Torch:I've gone through it twice, once going and once coming....

3:31 PM - Atraue: Torch:Even scarier as you go through, but I held my own becuase of my mere presence anywhere makes it more...

3:31 PM - Atraue: Torch:Deathly I could say

3:31 PM - Atraue: ((i wanna go outside for some reason..))

3:31 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i havent seen you in the forest

3:32 PM - Ultimate Chimera: perhaps you went there during my visits the this realm

3:32 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *to this*

3:32 PM - Atraue: Torch:Mostly whenever I go all the way through, I only hear the rain, my own breath, and my footsteps*

3:33 PM - Atraue: *torch's small flame gives off a slight glow of dark purple energy*

3:33 PM - Atraue: *making the place, warmer, but more death-like*

3:33 PM - Ultimate Chimera: i must return to the forest

3:33 PM - Atraue: *such as you're warm, but something about the warmth feels wrong*

3:33 PM - Ultimate Chimera: this will not be the last time you see me

3:33 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *goes further into the darkness and dissapears completely from vision*

3:34 PM - Atraue: Torch:Nor is it the first....

3:34 PM - Ultimate Chimera: *the darkness receeds into where i last stood before dissapearing and vanishes*


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