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Fight Against Eclipse, Fight For Freedom!


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pretty much ,i will never fight against someone that had free tax

for sure i'll keep fighting against the morons that challenged the free tax rail and locked the dark sector for public,

Yes talking about you OP and your moronic alliance that charged on free tax sector and did lock the node for  public for 2+days now

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Do you guys want to see a monopoly Alliance take control of many dark sectors? Do you want to see the badlands tax rates rise as the alliance behind it sits there and rob you of your hard earned rewards? If not, fight with us at Seimeni in Ceres! We need your help. Fight against the alliance Eclipse, which controls most of the existing dark sectors. We are the Lords of the East,we will bring justice and equality to the whole solar system!


And don't tell me you believe Eclipse's claim of "glitched" taxes. Should you all aid us remove that clan from Jupiter back then, none of these would be happening.

I'm gonna be honest here, I couldn't give two S#&$s about taxes. They could tax us for 50% and it wouldn't matter. The only things that matter about Dark Sectors are the bonus xp and the mods and last I checked you can't tax either of those. So I ask you, what does it even matter? Is anyone really desperate for credits and resources? If you want credits run Void missions and if you want resources then you're probably playing the game wrong because there is absolutely no resource scarcity. With the exception to Orokin Cells and Oxium I suppose. You clans are the reason dark sectors have been so screwed up lately, all of you ranting about your tax free solar rails when the rail you're contesting in the first place is already tax free. I just want to play the damned Dark Sectors and grind Infested in peace. What would you even do with a tax free Dark Sector? What happens when someone comes along and contests you? When the contests come I fight for the clan that pays better and I know I'm not alone in that, and without taxes you won't be able to afford any kind of meaningful rewards.

Edited by ImperiusAiE
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