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Eclipse Wins At Sinai, Jupiter


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It only affects the alliance actually. The rails will desync with each other as destruction times differ, and those of us who don't care about posturing and politics will always have several dark sectors available.


I suspect it won't take more than a week.

Politics or not, there will always be a clan/alliance leader waiting for the rail to to finish being contested, so he can deploy his own as quickly as it opens up. 


Thus giving us 24 hours of infested-ridden dark sector fun, and 48 hours of nothing but 100 credit battlepays and sabotage.


*edit* Yeah there'll eventually be an overlap where a dark sector will always be available, but im sure most will eventually want to do only the high level ones, or the ones that give certain 25-40% bonus to ____ kills.

Edited by LazyTheGypsy
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Politics or not, there will always be a clan/alliance leader waiting for the rail to to finish being contested, so he can deploy his own as quickly as it opens up. 


Thus giving us 24 hours of infested-ridden dark sector fun, and 48 hours of nothing but 100 credit battlepays and sabotage.


*edit* Yeah there'll eventually be an overlap where a dark sector will always be available, but im sure most will eventually want to do only the high level ones, or the ones that give certain 25-40% bonus to ____ kills.

Your entire argument hinges on falsehood that it always takes 48 hours to destroy a rail. In reality, it takes just a few hours to mow down a rail, as just happened.


48 hours is the cutoff time for conflict where not enough participants were involved to destroy one of the rails.

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Random thought: What if, during the 24 Hours where a Rail is being contested, regular players not in either alliance can vote whether or not to allow the battle to go forward? Each side could state their case through proposed tax changes and a brief comment, and players vote while en-route to the Dark Sector.


Personally, though, I think the current set-up will stabilize in time. I like the idea of the loser paying restitution, though! Discourages attacks for attacks' sake. The amount needs to be capped at something reasonable, like 25%. Not 50%, that would discourage attacking at all.

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Your entire argument hinges on falsehood that it always takes 48 hours to destroy a rail. In reality, it takes just a few hours to mow down a rail, as just happened.


48 hours is the cutoff time for conflict where not enough participants were involved to destroy one of the rails.

Yes, but currently no rail wants to employ some sort of tax, so there's never any battlepay for doing the conflicts. No battlepay, no ones going to run them after the hype dies down. Therefore eventually itll just be 48 hour conflicts.

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Yes, but currently no rail wants to employ some sort of tax, so there's never any battlepay for doing the conflicts. No battlepay, no ones going to run them after the hype dies down. Therefore eventually itll just be 48 hour conflicts.

Currently we have nothing but early adopters (aka suckers) sitting on the rails. Eclipse made a very good show of this with their "0% tax, no wait, 5% tax, no wait 20% is a bug we will fix it soon, no wait 20% is the actual rate" - show.


Those who are in it for a long run likely haven't even started building their rails yet. They're letting the suckers get burned while they plan their strategy.



Remember, this isn't intended as a "weekend special event", but as part of end game for the entire game's lifetime.

Edited by Luckyo
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