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War frame how to beat the grind idea's.


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Ive just started playing warframe and from the moment I started i was impressed by the chracter design, graphics, and gameplay and believe this game has great potiental to help break the repetivetiveness that a lot of F2P PVE focused games have. As a gamer that brought Global Agenda and the orignal APB I loved them for awhile but always felt they were lacking in depth.

One idea to beat the repetiveness is to include a "Conquest Conecpt"( Wish i could include pictures to help illustrate the idea better)

1. Each mission has a bar next to it that displays the control the Tenno and Grineer have over it.

2. Each time a player completes that mission the bar increase's the control for Tenno's

3. When the Tenno have full control over a mission everybody gets some sort of bonus like certain amount of credits or more damage for a certain gun etc.

4. The Grineer will constantly be trying to increase thier control over mission and sometimes theyll add more soldiers or bring in a mini-boss here and there to certain levels to make sure its harder to take over.

5. Players will work together even if thier not in the same team to make sure that the Teeno's have full control so everbody has thier bonuses.

This is just an idea I thought would help the game become more in depth.

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I bought Global Agenda too.

The universal map conquest mode style thing can be seen in World of Tanks clan wars, Planetside/Planetside 2, plenty of other games (MechWarrior Online maybe one day, they say it's coming but a year+ in the making)

You could post a screenshot of GA's Conquest mode...2nd result from "global agenda conquest screenshot" in google lol.

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