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[Warframe Concept] Updated And Improved Shadow Warframe: Eredus


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This is the new and improved warframe idea I had. My previous shadow warframe idea was quite quickly shot down and seen as an upgraded nyx (not to mention someone thought the entire idea was plagiarised). But people did like some ideas, so I decided to rethink the concept but leave in and maybe improve the ideas people liked.


Eredus is a warframe all about shadows and darkness, or light manipulation. He has the ability to separate into a shadow and/or manipulate nearby shadows through nano technology intermingled with genetics, allowing him to control his form in anyway he sees fit. Eredus could use his own mass in any shape and form, but he chooses to manipulate his mass to shape and change the shadows upon the battlefield.


First Ability: (many people loved this idea, so its back and improved) Eredus extends his hand towards an enemy, separates and attaches to the target's shadow. In this form Eredus can't take damage, but the host can, (meaning allies can be trolls and kill the host) Eredus can choose to leave the host by simply moving in any direction and he will reform next to the enemy (most likely scaring the life out them in the process), although, if Eredus while still attached moves in the direction of a nearby enemy, he will leave the host and attach to the intended target, refreshing the duration time of the ability. Eredus can also cast all of his abilities in this state, and they will have small but noticeable bonuses.


Second Ability: Eredus uses part of his mass to extend a think shadow upon allies and enemies, if the shadow falls upon an enemy, they receive damage over time for the duration of the ability, if the shadow is upon allies, it increases armour dramatically and allies gain extra damage on all melee weapons (cant be ranged since Eredus doesnt want his mass being lost). And if the ability is cast while attached to a host, the host gains armour and stops firing upon allies, along with the aforementioned effects, for the duration. This ability also has a drawback, if not cast while attached to a host, Eredus will lose a portion of his health for the duration (he does use his own mass for the ability,).


Third Ability: Eredus extends his shadow, and mass, towards the nearby enemies and jams their weaponry (no its not radial disarm, keep reading) and as a result confusing them. Enemies caught with this ability will stop moving or reach for cover to try and fix their weapon, all weapons are jammed for 10 seconds and for this duration enemies affected won't be attacking (just staring down the barrel of their gun wondering why it isn't working). If cast without a host, Eredus will lose a portion of his health for the time of the ability, but if attached to a host Eredus will influence the hosts weapon/s to fire upon enemies (as well as freaking out the host) and will not lose health.


Fourth/ultimate ability: (people liked the conditional side so thats back) Eredus must be attached to a host for it to work. He uses his entire mass to encompass the host and take full control of his actions (allowing the player to play as the mob they attached to) and thus if the host was an enemy that gave buffs to the team, those buffs are then turned around and given to Eredus' allies and debuffing (if host had any debuffs) the enemy. And at the end of the abilities duration Eredus kills the host.


Now I know some of you will say his ultimate is Nyx's mind control, then I will ask you if you can take full control of that mob, and when you say no I'll say "thats how their different" not to mention it kills the target.


Overall Eredus is a support frame, giving buffs to teammates, or stunning enemies, as well as being able to help allies by taking control of an enemy leader. Eredus would need to be fragile to counteract his strength in survivability, but im not very good at creating stats, so I ask anyone to feel free and create stats you think are suitable for Eredus.


All constructive feedback is welcome, also please tell me is this is too similar to any other frame or character outside of warframe. (also sadly no pictures  because im not as gifted as others)



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