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This Is Just A Thought


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I was thinking about how warframe could make all of its weapons and warframes somewhat more customizable and then I came up with an idea. Why not implement a type of enchanting system similar to vindictus.


Now those of you who have played vindictus, don't get your panties all up in a bundle, I only mean stat increases and decreases with the title aspect. The whole weapon being destroyed or enchant failing will be taken out.


For those of you who don't know about enchanting in vindictus, you basically get an enchant scroll through grinding bosses. This enchant scroll can be a suffix or a prefix, and can range in rank from F-8 (low to high). Specific enchants will work for only specific items i.e. a maelstrom enchant scroll only works for weapons. You can have 1 suffix and 1 prefix on at anytime.


Each enchant scroll will only give a slight bonus and has no bearing on mod points (no increase or decrease, separate). The enchant mods will be able to give stat increases such as fire rate up, damage up, reload speed, ect. just like a mod. You can equip an enchant mod and unequip an enchant mod at any time with no consequences.


Now here's the cool part about it. there will be a set number of enchant scroll names however the amount of stat increase is subject to RNG. Theoretically no 2 enchants with the same name will actually be the same, similar to the old mod system for you old warframe players. Stacking onto that aspect of the enchant scrolls; the higher level a planet, area, or mob that drops the enchant scroll, the higher the stat increase will be. For example, a maelstrom on mercury will give you 5% damage increase, while a maelstrom on pluto will give you 30% damage increase.


The reasoning behind putting the enchant scrolls into the game is not to add more damage to  a weapon that has ridiculous damage, bu to maybe increase its reload speed and fire-rate so as to not take up a mod slot you could have used for something else.


The name for these enchant scrolls is subject to DE as well as renaming them from enchant scrolls to say "Ninja Scrolls" or whatever.


What are your thoughts on this idea? Yes it should be or no? why?


Just want to put the idea that im sure others had out there.



Added way to stat increase your weapon with things like fire-rate or clip size without having to use mods.


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