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New Warframe Tram Improvements (New Mission Idea!)


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Hey fellow tenno, what's good? I came accross a thought. It's a little far fetched, but doable. I was T3 key farming on a  corpus defense mission, and was introduced to the tram for the first time. Oh, that lovely tram. I was hooked. I would ride it, blasting away at herds of MOA running by. It was magical. Than I thought, "Hey, why can't we have a tram mission??? like, 4 tenno all ride a huge tram and need to defend cargo or a hostage or something?" and I know that these things take time. But it is possible to make these current missions with minimal editing of code and with no changes to the game mechanics at all. So after getting a few Ideas from the regional chat, we came up with these ideas:


1) Incorporate the tram into a rescue mission.

I understand that Warframe is a work of wondrous magic in progress. One of the biggest map problems in warframe is that the maps all look the same. (The devs are doing a great job improving them though) But one of the things that would really set apart the mission would be the TRAM. start on one end, work your way to a hostage, rescue them, activate the tram, then board the tram and ride it over bridges and through tunnels, for 2 miles or so until you reach the point of evac. I am picturing fighting off herds of moa on a yacht-sized tram, just as corpus gunships fly overhead and drop techs onto the tram, really adding excitement. Help me out here guys, that's one idea.


2) Make a totally new mission

Like the hijack missions, have a "Transport security" mission, where you tenno are security detail on a transport! you start at point A in friendly territory, but have to protect the tram and its cargo as you cross hostile territory and make it in one piece to point B, or even point C. As difficulty increases, so does the length of the ride. You can have fast trams or slow trams, and if the player falls off, he simply respawns onto the tram. You need to protect not only the cargo, but the power core of the tram. As the core is more and more damaged, the tram slows, and more enemies swarm onto the vehicle. If the vehicle or cargo is destroyed, the mission is failed. This would be the perfect new mission as it combines the best of defense and mobile defense missions while keeping the pace of a survival mission (DO IT FAST OR WE DIE)


3) Add more trams to maps

Please, we need more moving vehicles. The Grineer shipyards are hell to navigate through in a survival mission. Have something that goes halfway through the map! Get creative! Make trams that go through fire. Make trams that explode. Make multiple trams. TRAMS, TRAMS, TRAMS. Make underground trams. Make sky trams. Make big ones. small ones! Not only will it improve gameplay, it will improve the quality of the game and even help with the story setting, making this distant dystopian "future" more believable and awesome. Why? BECAUSE SCREW THE GRINEER, WE ARE RIDING A TRAM.


Thoughts? ideas? criticisms? strategies? would love to hear them! Post below, we need the devs to take a good look at this thread and do something about it! This would add a valuable component of strategy to the game while still retaining the movement-based nature that we hold so dear to Warframe.

Edited by Xavier3796
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Perhaps if it were as a separate mission and had stops along the way where the game type revolved around the tram. Like destroying outposts of the opposing faction. Like mini-raid missions all wrapped into a larger battle. You maintain the movement element of Warframe and mix it with the pacing of defense missions.

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Holy crap yes! NUMBER 1 & 2 YES! 

- I love the power core idea, the slow breakdown would be pretty good setback for reckless abandon. There should also  be enemies on the path of the tram, placing minds and trying to slow you down further, shooting them would  prevent the  tram from being heavily damaged.

- Dropships, my god yes, I don't even know why we don't have these in open-aired maps already. (The ones in the  Corpus hangar are rather useless in function and only serve as an aesthetic really)


- There has to be a story to this... It seems DE is incorporating lore into the new mission styles, so this is crucial.

 My idea: Escaping from a high ranked Corpus/Grineer commander who wants to harvest your Warframe technology, the  tram being your only means escape. With military to access to a large range of assets, the commander will throw  everything he/she has at you, you must protect the tram if you wish to live. 


- In all. Yes. So much yes. The idea is flawlessly executed, but it MUST have something other than endless enemies  scrolling by in order to remain entertaining long term. The dropships and power core help, but there needs to be something on top of this so it doesn't get boring very quickly. This idea has alot of potential to be a separate mission type, not just a gimmick in a tileset.

Edited by KilelrDrone492
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