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Disproportionate Building Time/rush Platinum Cost


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Posting this here because no better place.

I'm currently crafting two things in the Foundry from blueprints, the Akbolto and an Orokin Catalyst. The Ak takes 12 hours to build/25P to rush, while the Catalyst takes 24 hours to build/10P to rush. Puush links below.

http://puu.sh/2u2LT http://puu.sh/2u2MT



Building time: 12 hrs.

Rush Cost: 25 Plat


Building time: 12 hrs.

Rush Cost: 10 Plat

There doesn't seem to be any rationale behind this, so I suspect it's a design flaw, like the buying Credits with Platinum problem. Not that I'd ever spend Plat to rush...

Please explain or look into it. Thanks :D

Edited by Speary
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if your complaining about the bolto's being 25 an the reactor being 10 well simple you can buy the reactor for 20 so paying 25 to rush it would be redundant an the bolto's are arround 125-200 idk exactly so rushing them for 25 is quite cheap but if your reffering to the time versus the cost well its not that big of an issue atm lol

Edited by KIll3RX15
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if your complaining about the bolto's being 25 an the reactor being 10 well simple you can buy the reactor for 20 so paying 25 to rush it would be redundant an the bolto's are arround 125-200 idk exactly so rushing them for 25 is quite cheap but if your reffering to the time versus the cost well its not that big of an issue atm lol

I'm going to attempt to hurdle over this grammar...

Obviously, no one would rush something for more than the price of buying it in-store. So the solution, then, would be to reduce the rush cost of the Akbolto to 5.

Current: 12h/25P ≠ 24h/10P

Suggested: 12h/5P = 24h/10P

You don't have to think very hard about it to see that it works.

There is a reason why Akbolto cost 225 Plat. It's performance will speak for itself once you get it.

The Orokin Catalyst on the other hand, is only 20 Plat off the shop.

Think about it.

I have thought about it, quite honestly. However, it seems like you completely ignored my OP. We're talking about the building time to rush price ratio, not in-store price. Please know what you're talking about before posting.

Edited by Speary
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I did read your OP, but thanks for assuming otherwise.

Why not factor in the cost of the item itself? If anything, They've taken a step ahead of you in lieu of, "Why does it cost 25 to rush an item that costs 20?"

They've simply taken the value of the item itself and factored it into the current prices.

The Akbolto's cost cannot be compared to an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst due to the differenxes in value being very different.

Perhaps comparing it to an item of similar function or value would have more merit.

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I did read your OP, but thanks for assuming otherwise.

Why not factor in the cost of the item itself? If anything, They've taken a step ahead of you in lieu of, "Why does it cost 25 to rush an item that costs 20?"

They've simply taken the value of the item itself and factored it into the current prices.

The Akbolto's cost cannot be compared to an Orokin Reactor/Catalyst due to the differenxes in value being very different.

Perhaps comparing it to an item of similar function or value would have more merit.

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Yeah, you're comparing the time cost required to build the items and not taking into account the worth of the item itself. I haven't had the akbolto yet, but every forum post ever that mentions it explains how stupidly powerful it is, the catalyst is a component that allows you to supercharge weapons, allowing them to be stronger by doubling the mods it can hold.

The proper fix, from your point of view, would be to either increase the akbolto's time cost to greater-than 24h, reduce the catalyst time cost to less-than 12h, or swap the two (as well as change every other weapon's time cost to match its worth in platinum).

Imo, no fix necessary.

(Maybe make platinum worth a little less, $5 for 75 plat seems a little steep, factoring in weapon slots, warframe slots, and catalyst/reactor costs.)

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