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Ember's changes.


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I lack the suit can you post a pic showing a before and after at all since i never see the suit in use in game.

After. With full black color scheme.


Can't find a picture from before. If someone has it please post it.

Edited by Natsuko
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It's a she. I got her through the female bundle

Ember is a male Warframe, Trinity and Mag are our only females at the moment.

The bundle is misnamed, it should've been called the "Blazing Hot Threesome Bundle".

Edited by Rusalki
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First impressions on the new suit: not liking it. It's too sleek and organic looking. Fire is an unpredictable and chaotic element- I don't mind "skinny" being a theme (she is a caster type, I guess) but the armor isn't aggressive enough.

I don't know what is going on with the helmet so I'll leave that alone and just say the original was awesome.

Disclaimer: I've only seen other players' Embers before, never looked at them up close. I've got an Ember cooking in the Forge right now so I'll be better suited to comment in a couple days.

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Haha, aww, did someone just ruin Ember for you? Well, since all the Warframes follow the silent protagonist trope, you're free to imagine Ember to be any gender you want.

Dude, I don't care what gender she is. I only say she was available in the FEMALE pack. And with the last phrase of the previous post, I meant that the developers don't put ember in this bundle by accident. And I'm not ruined(what are you talking about?) because I think she's worthless. Volt for the win ;)

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Haha, aww, did someone just ruin Ember for you? Well, since all the Warframes follow the silent protagonist trope, you're free to imagine Ember to be any gender you want.

Here's the thread itself, if you still doubt! https://forums.warfr...mber/#entry3357

The devs have stated that Ember is a "he".

That would totally make sense when the warframe clearly has boobs now.

Guess even the devs don't know exactly what they are doing.

The head art kinda looks like a 'Punk Hairstyle'.

Yes, the old one atleast. The new model makes it look like she had wind blowing against the back of her head...

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