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Ember's changes.


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Will some added customization help resolve this? Say in a future update? :)

I would say save that for the cash shop as thats the kind of thing people are happy to pay money for TF2 hat style loads of silly pointless things that have no effect but look cool or just odd.

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imo ember needs to be more vixin like an maybe give her heigh heals instead of military combat boots....an those pants....ugh disgusting i get the fact of tryin to make her look like she has an &#! but come on thats just grose... an the sholders...come on wtf is she a body builder? slim her down an make her sexy the torso is good but i think it still needs some work

Edited by DragoXXVIII
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edit-- Also this thread should belong in the Art and Animation forum, since it's about ingame visual assets. Or, at least it would belong there if not for this thread that already exists for the same topic

imo ember needs to be more vixin like an maybe give her heigh heals instead of military combat boots....an those pants....ugh disgusting i get the fact of tryin to make her look like she has an &#! but come on thats just grose... an the sholders...come on wtf is she a body builder? slim her down an make her sexy the torso is good but i think it still needs some work

I really hope this post is being facetious. If not then:

imo ember needs to be more vixin like an maybe give her heigh heals instead of military combat boots

No, stop being sexist.

.an those pants....ugh disgusting i get the fact of tryin to make her look like she has an &#! but come on thats just grose

Not what those pants are trying to do. They are meant to evoke the idea of flames while still conforming to the bio-mechanical style the warframes have.

an the sholders...come on wtf is she a body builder? slim her down an make her sexy the torso is good but i think it still needs some work

More sexism. This is dumb and bad for obvious reasons that I shouldn't have to explain.

Edited by ArcanumMBD
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I personally like Embers new look, the only complaint I have about it is..

THAT &#!.. It's Distracting and With bloom effects and having Green or a color that really shines.. I mean she has a big butt, and I mean it's a bit odd since I thought Ember being light and lanky wouldn't have.. a well.. Huge Butt.

Also the Mohawk should be put backwards or Up again. The Forward style looks like Rihanna.

But here's the comparisson of the old and new Ember



Edited by Alacratha
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What's with everyone looking for an overly sexualized Ember. I don't think it's sexist just boring. Haven't you people played Trin or Mag? They are feminine enough; I miss the butch Ember (yes, she was a dude originally, I'm OK with that)

This. New Ember is too much. We don't need that.

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