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Rescue 2.0 Without Stealth Trouble



So, me and my buddy have been playing a bit, and run into these rescue missions with wardens, which I've found out are called "Rescue 2.0".  The problem for us is that these missions seem to be impossible without using stealth, and neither of us have stealth warframes.  Furthermore, when the hostage gets "rescued" it seems to immediately go out into the waiting group of enemies and get knocked down.  Is there a way to do Rescue 2.0 without a stealth suit?

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well technically yes its possible. But its gonna take a crapload longer/be riskier. You could rely on shade sentinel for invis, or just plain watch the movements and do stealth kills at the right time. Or the other option is to kill them before they can get to the terminal and issue the kill order. But that one is really risky

Edited by dragonkingdx
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Yes, with stealthy weapons, like bows or sniper weapons with suppressor. The other things to do is know the warden routine, like positions, movement after you enter said room. Also be sure no alarm is on and all immediate threat is dealt with before opening the jail area door. 

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Well, the mission up to the jail door can be done without stealth. Just remember to turn off the alarm before you open the jail.


From there, it's doable with all frames. Stealth frames just have the advantage of not caring about patrol routes or where the wardens are facing.

With regulars, just keep an eye out for the patrol routes, stay behind corners. You can run when they're not looking at you, so you don't have to crouch walk to approach.


There are 3-4 wardens in the jail area.



Basically, it's doable.

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You don't have be stealthy until you're in the Warden room and then you either kill all Wardens before they reaches the kill switch or you can run to the holding cells before they notice you. You can easily kill them by stealth attacking them so you don't need a stealth frame.

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If you're really having trouble, make a post in "Find a Squad!" or put something up in the recruitment tab during a busy time of day (if it takes 30+ seconds for a message to reach the top of the window, might not be the best time), I trust someone in the community will be more then willing to help :D

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Remember, the Penta and Orgis are stealth weapons. Make you of them if you need to. 

If you want play stealth the Warframe way, you can always get a excalibur with a range build. Abilities are stealth too, so just use radial blind and shred the wardan before they recover. =P


Usually it's easier to rescue the hostage BEFORE taking on the wardens. Just becareful of their line-of-sight and sneak through one of the many alternate passages into the prison complex. Sneak out with the hostage, and you can deal with the wardens anyway you like as you no longer have to worry about the kill switch.


Have fun!

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