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Auction System Idea And Examples.


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Nice try to make my argument seem entitled...Except there are hard coded plat values in the DE marketplace.


Do you sincerely believe that anything aside from the aesthetic items are worth that much real world money?

DE already set the "value" of plat. It's not very high.


If its not very high, then why does it cost $5 for a pack of colors?

If you want to buy a forma/cat for 20p...and have to sell 20 prime parts for 1p (against other ppl selling for 1p or just credits for that matter) it will make trading have far less value. If getting a simple forma/cat takes you 50 missions of grinding saleable parts and however long it takes to sell 1p commodities, that devalues trading.


How many catalysts / reactors does one need? From regular playing, I've gotten enough reactors and catalysts to upgrade my 10 frames, 1 sentinel and 6 weapons. I still have extras of them. As for forma, I sincerely hope nobody ever buys forma with platinum ever since it was made obtainable as mission rewards / void runs. People spending platinum on obtainable things from the market decreases the circulating platinum in a not good way.

Now think how much grinding it would take to buy a gun or frame for hundreds of plat.


Why would you ever do that outside of inhumanly low amounts of patience and self control?

I personally buy my plat to support DE so this doesn't matter to me on a personal level. But I assure you it will devalue the ability of the "aspiring trader" to actually work hard and gain enough plat to do reasonable things with.


Set a minimum trade value, just as is the steam market place. 2 platinum minimum? 5 platinum minimum? Something can be met here that doesn't 'decrease' the value of platinum and at the same time makes trading an all around better process for everybody involved.

tl;dr everyone excited about this idea bc of how much easier it will make earning plat...will be earning less plat. If that's the plan...cool go for it. A plat depression makes my plat go further.


I'm excited for the idea because without some improvements to how trade chat is handled, this is the best alternative. There is already enough devaluing of the 'worth' of platinum from login coupons. If a minimum limit of price was set only on auction system items then there would still be an incentive to do personal trades, should you want to sell something for less than 5 plat.


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Do you sincerely believe that anything aside from the aesthetic items are worth that much real world money?

DE already set the "value" of plat. It's not very high.


If its not very high, then why does it cost $5 for a pack of colors?

If you want to buy a forma/cat for 20p...and have to sell 20 prime parts for 1p (against other ppl selling for 1p or just credits for that matter) it will make trading have far less value. If getting a simple forma/cat takes you 50 missions of grinding saleable parts and however long it takes to sell 1p commodities, that devalues trading.


How many catalysts / reactors does one need? From regular playing, I've gotten enough reactors and catalysts to upgrade my 10 frames, 1 sentinel and 6 weapons. I still have extras of them. As for forma, I sincerely hope nobody ever buys forma with platinum ever since it was made obtainable as mission rewards / void runs. People spending platinum on obtainable things from the market decreases the circulating platinum in a not good way.

Now think how much grinding it would take to buy a gun or frame for hundreds of plat.


Why would you ever do that outside of inhumanly low amounts of patience and self control?

I personally buy my plat to support DE so this doesn't matter to me on a personal level. But I assure you it will devalue the ability of the "aspiring trader" to actually work hard and gain enough plat to do reasonable things with.


Set a minimum trade value, just as is the steam market place. 2 platinum minimum? 5 platinum minimum? Something can be met here that doesn't 'decrease' the value of platinum and at the same time makes trading an all around better process for everybody involved.

tl;dr everyone excited about this idea bc of how much easier it will make earning plat...will be earning less plat. If that's the plan...cool go for it. A plat depression makes my plat go further.


I'm excited for the idea because without some improvements to how trade chat is handled, this is the best alternative. There is already enough devaluing of the 'worth' of platinum from login coupons. If a minimum limit of price was set only on auction system items then there would still be an incentive to do personal trades, should you want to sell something for less than 5 plat.


I'm not gonna go point by point w you on this bc you're missing the big picture.


From the International Monetary Fund (AKA legit)


"In perfect competition (when all items can be bought or sold with no restriction on time/availability/delivery etc), no one has the ability to affect prices. Both sides take the market price as a given, and the market-clearing price is the one at which there is neither excess supply nor excess demand. Suppliers will keep producing as long as they can sell the good for a price that exceeds their cost of making one more (the marginal cost of production)." https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/basics/suppdem.htm


In WF....the cost of producing is NOTHING. Everyone simply ends up with "goods" you don't want by playing. Millions of them. Thus the split chambers, boltor prime stocks etc...anything besides the most uber rare of gear...will suddenly have next to no value. This isn't my opinion, its the law of supply and demand.


If you read and understand that, you will then understand why an auction system will mean that the average trader will make far LESS plat than they do now. Since DE has fixed their prices, all that means is the avg trader will have less buying power in DE's market.


And, people who buy plat from DE's market will have MORE buying power in the in-game market. So, if your goal is to suddenly make everything you have nearly worthless, this is the way.


*Yes, if you create a 'price floor' for each item, that would prevent this. That's an exception, and that's not a part of the OP's idea. However, who and how would this be set?

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Aside from a couple mods and helmets, there is no such thing as supply and demand. All platinum does is allow you to circumvent time on everything that isn't event locked or no longer obtainable. It is my sincere belief that people should not be able to make mass amounts of pay for currency through trading. The platinum trade is both a virtue and a vice. I honestly think the only thing people should be buying from the game market for platinum are things that are entirely unobtanium otherwise.


But to the point that we can agree on, 2 minimum for keys / tradable mats (beacons) / Cores, 5 minimum standard for everything that is readily obtainable (mods, prime parts). If its no longer in circulation or not obtainable outside of trading (Arcanes, Event specific mods, L cores, Unobtanium mods) start at 20.

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I'm not gonna go point by point w you on this bc you're missing the big picture.

From the International Monetary Fund (AKA legit)

"In perfect competition (when all items can be bought or sold with no restriction on time/availability/delivery etc), no one has the ability to affect prices. Both sides take the market price as a given, and the market-clearing price is the one at which there is neither excess supply nor excess demand. Suppliers will keep producing as long as they can sell the good for a price that exceeds their cost of making one more (the marginal cost of production)." https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/basics/suppdem.htm

In WF....the cost of producing is NOTHING. Everyone simply ends up with "goods" you don't want by playing. Millions of them. Thus the split chambers, boltor prime stocks etc...anything besides the most uber rare of gear...will suddenly have next to no value. This isn't my opinion, its the law of supply and demand.

If you read and understand that, you will then understand why an auction system will mean that the average trader will make far LESS plat than they do now. Since DE has fixed their prices, all that means is the avg trader will have less buying power in DE's market.

And, people who buy plat from DE's market will have MORE buying power in the in-game market. So, if your goal is to suddenly make everything you have nearly worthless, this is the way.

*Yes, if you create a 'price floor' for each item, that would prevent this. That's an exception, and that's not a part of the OP's idea. However, who and how would this be set?

A few thoughts I've had recently:

To expand on Arblarg's idea of a minimum price, I had thought of that but decided not to post it originally. In my OP I was thinking that you wouldn't be able to set a price lower than 25% of the average sale price for the specified item. I decided not to post this because as multiple people start selling an item for 25% less, the minimum price would go down further. But I just had a thought based off of Arbalrg's orginal suggestion of 'set' minimums.

The minimum price could be determined by the mod's ranking. Here are some examples.

Minimum Prices

Common mods - 2 platinum (for unranked), every 1 rank brings the minimum up by 1P. Therefore, a common 5 Ammo Drum could have the minimum set at 7p.

Uncommon mods- 5p, every 1 rank brings the minimum price up by 1 platinum

Rare mods - 10p, every 1 rank brings the minimum price up by 2 platinum. Therefore, a Rare 5 Split Chamber would have a minimum Price of 20p

The minimum prices for mods could also be based off of drop chance and reward chance.

Special mods such as event mods would use a completely different scale. The minimum price could be determined by how much of the playerbase has those mods. For example, Jolt, a more recent event mod, could have a minimum of 150p. Malignant Fore, less recent, would have a minimum price of 200p.

Mods that can be upgraded 10 times would also be affected differently by this system. They would only be affected once upgraded past the rank of 5. My thought is that the minimum price would double for each rank after 5. (for example, a rank 5 uncommon serration would have a minimum price of 10p, however, once at rank 10 the minimum price would be 60p. The amount of credits, and/or fusion cores required to upgrade these mods could also factor into the minimum price.

For Prime items, it could be based solely off tier and reward chances.

Another thought I had when I got to thinking about your comment on how many duplicates there really are in the entire playerbase, is that the auction system could not only be based on region, but also state/province. For states/regions/provinces with less than (let's say 2,000 active players) they could be linked to another state/province/region.


Edited by polyosis
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