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Platinum Purchases, Required Or Not?



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As a side note, I think the 50% and 75% plat discount lottery was a mistake. I imagine there are many people who won't buy until at least the 50% discount comes up.

This is a marketing tactic. 

Do you expect they made the platinum will be about 40 % cheaper from now but no discount coupon at all? Im sure that many people will think twice to make a purchase.

Now, you got only 1 or 2 day 75 % plat discount? you got a chance of life, will you make purchase or skip it?? Yeah that feelings will make people purchase platinum rather than not except you already have enough plat.

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inventory slots for weapons and frame is for increasing ammount of weapons u can have and warframes. etc me. i am collecting avbsolutely every single warframe and weapon. each time i get a new one. it cost me 20 plats to buy inventory slot. you can easily gain platinum point quick if you  trade parts and mods and keys with other. etc make packages with good keys to small ammount of plats. do it a few times and u might be lucky to have 50 plats :)

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