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So Who Decided Not To Buy Prime Access After Seeing The Patch?


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Apperantly thats how DE spend their free time after every new patch... Laughing..


''Hey I have an great idea...how about we...add T4 Keys...which are randomized by RNG..which is overseen by other RNG...then we add Loki Prime parts in T4 Drop tables which is also controled by RNG's RNG... Trust me...it will be hilarious ... and profitable''

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So is the working theory that DE did this to make it more difficult to get the new Prime material?


I have to say, I generally am suspicious and I come down on DE a lot for their decisions, but I wasn't really bothered by this. To me, it's increasing the chances at getting some of that other prime gear.


Of course, some of the items, like Frost prime, are such common drops in the void that including them in additional places likely is to decrease your chances of getting something of value, but more Boltor prime and Rhino Prime access is a good thing, IMO.  Those pieces were entirely too rare.


A better fix would just be to make the chances of all the pieces equal rather than favoring some things much more than others, but I suppose that'd be too much to ask.

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My dog put a lot of effort into S#&$ting on my carpet when it was a puppy. I still kicked it outside asap and cleaned up the mess. You can NEVER let them think that even a single bad S#&$ is acceptable. Otherwise they keep on doing it.


People have been supporting DE constantly inflating grind wall thinking, "They worked hard on it, maybe the next patch will be the one where they start working on the things that will make Warfarm an actual game. I will support them." So now they think it's ok to just keep building the grind wall and pumping out uninspired weapons into an already bloated codex. Instead of doing what they should have been doing, fixing bugs and working on the story.



Completely agree with you, faith in humanity restored! (partially but still ;d ) +1


It's funny how humanity changed over past 20 years, sadly but more and more people are blind/greedy etc.

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