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De Please Fix Challenges On Clients - They Have Been Broke For A While


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(beta 13.8.4) When I am not the host, it's always an uncertainty whether or not my challenges will register. One that has been broken ever since I can remember playing is "Hack a Console" challenge. It always works if you're the Host and never works if you're the client. But what pushed me to write this is I have just finished 2 defense missions and I was a client to a host with 3 other players... and in both cases my challenge was to get "20 Pistol Kills." I was using the angstrum... it has about 3 or 4 formas on it...  I know it can kill but not a single enemy death showed up as registering towards me completing my challenge. Sorry, I guess I am just tired of dealing with this long time bug.  In the 2500+ hours I have played, I can only imagine the amount of affinity that has passed me by because of this. Please fix it.


Oh while you at it... I know it would be a big deal to other players if there was some key combo that would bring up the challenge progress in game... Just saying I have heard it asked for too numerous to count. Still a great game, thanks.

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i have seen this issue also, however i have noticed that it does at least start registering eventually. i woudld like to add however, that sometimes the notification on what my affinity challenge is doesn't even come up. this can be fixed with the thing i aggree most about in this post - the addition of being able to display what the challenge is during a mission. my suggestion would be in the 'escape' or 'tab' displays.

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That's my biggest disappointment in the challenge system. 80% of the time (no kidding), I don't get the notification at all and I have to discover it on my own (try to get headshot with rifle, then pistol, then melee, then slide kill, then use first power, etc.). I'd like a permanent notification and status on the bottom of the screen to track challenge completion.

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