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Thoughts On Controls, Movement, Customization, Melee, Ninjaing, Etc.


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16) Wall-climb Cancel to Wall-climb (please, kill it with fire)

About a week ago I noticed in one gameplay video someone was using a wallclimb cancel, so I asked him, how to do it, he told me, I've tried it and then I've found out, it's pretty easy to execute. I also found out it is something I really hate having in this game.

I've already started a standalone thread focused on this topic - there are some people against it (me included) and some, who support this for some reason - feel free to check it to form your own opinion (there is also a description of how to do it) - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/30250-wallclimb-cancel-to-wallclimb-cancel-to-wallclimb/


I suggest removing/fixing the wall climb cancel, because:

1) It is rendering the sometimes complex combinations of wall running and wall climbing from wall to pipe to wall useless in lot of places.

2) It is also possible (the bigger issue) to use it to climb up basically any vertical surface no matter how long.

3) Although the basic jumping from a wall to wall is unrealistic, it still feels more "legit" than slashing a wall with melee weapon to be able to connect another wallclimb.


You don't have to share my opinion, but how I see it, it's way more interesting and satisfying to have a smaller move set you have to use and combine to get to the places you want.


Below are the two images illustrating the difference between regular connected wall climbs and jumps (left) and the exploit described (right).


wf-wallclimb-cancel.gif     wf-wallclimb-cancel2.gif

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17) Changing the Jump Kick to 360° Slide Slash Combo

Why changing it?

Well, from how it looks during the execution, one has to wonder, whether it is really intentional, because the animation is the same as the animation during ground 360° slide slash, i.e. it looks like it is performed is on the ground, while it is actually performed in the air.


Spot the differences (it's much more noticeable in slowmo)

wf-360dash-01.gif     wf-360dash-02.gif    


Realizing this simple truth, one has to also wonder, why this (i.e. wallrun-melee attack)




isn't used instead of the ground animation.


But there is a small problem with the wallrun-melee attack animation, and that is total velocity loss after the initial take off. But that is nothing, that can't be changed/repaired.



And thus the simple suggestion - change the animation of melee attack executed from jump kick to wallrun-melee attack animation. It would look way better.

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18) Ground Slam Standing Cancel (probably old news)

EDIT: So far seems to work only with some weapons I've tried:

Working - Scindo, Dual Ether

Not working - Skana, Plasma Sword


Jumping around and killing Grineer with my Manticore, I've figured how to cancel the long standing animation after the ground slam attack (i.e. jump melee). I assume it's "old news", but maybe not everyone is familiar with it.


Normal ground slam looks like this - notice the delay between the slam and standing (being able to move again)



This is almost perfectly performed cancel



And this is slowmo of the same cancel



And this one is sprint to ground slam, cancel to sprint



How to do it? It's simple and it is really about the timing. After the weapon hits the ground, tap sprint, jump or shoot (while only jump is possible to use in case of cancel to sprint).

The sooner after the hit you tap the key/mouse button, the sooner the tenno stands up.

Also it not only cancels the standing animation, but it also cancels the holstering of the melee weapon and drawing of the ranged weapon. So you can do even this (slowmo ahead)...




So why am I posting it here, since this is not suggestion, nothing?

Yeah, I like it the way it is and it is great, so don't change it DE! And please implement it for other weapons as well.

Edited by zelgaris
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Damn... I forget so much stuff....


19) Adjusting the Charged Melee

Not sure, whether the problem is the same for all melee weapons, but I noticed, that the charging attack with Scindo deals damage at the beginning of the attack animation, right after the swing starts, i.e. way before the sharp part of the axe actually/visibly hits the enemy.




This is the first frame, when the damage is done and the swing just started



Feel free to support the original thread with this issue here - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/28829-charge-attack-dealing-damage-before-the-animation/

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7) Allow us to start sprinting right after landing/rolling/sliding/etc. while holding a sprint key. Now it works only in two cases:

- After a roll, which is resulting from a sprint-jump

- After a roll, which is resulting from a slide-somersault-jump

While trying everything else, connection to sprinting doesn't work, and these cases include:

- After a running jump, which results in normal running

- After a stationary jump, which results in normal running

- After a roll from stationary position or normal running

- After a roll from a non-sprint-fall

- After landing from wall-running (no matter the wallrunning boost)

- and more

In the above mentioned situations I assume tenno starting sprinting is an expected behavior, but that's not the case. It is possible to create an illusion of connection between these actions and following sprinting with proper timing, but it's still an illusion and it's hard to achieve. And when you miss the timing, you have to release the sprint key and push it again, or you can hold it how long you want, but it will have no effect.

One could argue that this timing is a player skill. Well, I can agree with the need of a skill to do it properly, but considering the fast pace of the game, more suitable is just allowing us to hold the sprint key and let the sprint connect/start every time it's possible.


This. If nothing else, please, PLEASE implement this. It's just clumsy and unintuitive the way it is.

I'm assuming the game just transitions to "walk mode" (or maybe to "standing mode" and then instantly to "walk mode" since a movement key is down) at the end of certain animations without checking sprint key state. Just check if the sprint key is still down at those animation ends and transition to sprint mode instead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll bump this thread instead of creating a specific thread only for it, because it's basically what's already been said. Just showing my support for the idea.



We really need a toggle aim.

For a long time I have played every game with it, and many others like me, and going from a toggle to a hold is painful, especially when switching between many different games. Not to mention it also impacts muscle fatique if you spend longer periods on long range which means massive amount of static time aiming. And for somebody like me that loves long range paris shots on say defense missions, it sometimes gives me a bit of pain in the long finger from too much static work.



"Toggle" sprint, or at least single-button iniate.

Wrote this in another thread as a side thing, but I really belongs here. I really like how many FPS games does sprint, especially since I play a whole lot of battlefield. If you walk forward and then press sprint, it will continue to sprint forward as long as you hold either the sprint or forward button down. The sprint can also be activated by double-tapping forward and holding it.



Movement and running.

It would be nice to see if you could get some form of a hold timer when iniating certain movements instead of simultaneous key-presses.


That would also alleviate that right now to do a slide jump thingy you practically need to turn your hand into a pretzel if you have a non-standard key binding lay out like me. I can do it easily now, just took a bit of focus turning it into muscle memory. I'm using numpad so 8456 for movement, 123 for abilities and 0, del and enter for sprint, crouch, jump. Now the combo of holding num8 and num0, then pressing num_del and hold it while turning over to num_enter makes for a bit of finger dexterity to get right. A certain allowable delay within each of these that wouldn't require you to hold say crouch while pressing enter would make life a whole lot easier.


The second reason is that some keyboards doesn't allow you to press all keys simultaneously. The setup I use work on my current one, but my old keyboard would literally have been physically incapable of performing a sprint_slide_jump with the keybinding I use in all the games.



More freerunning levels.

Also, more freerunning maps with geometry suited for that. I loved Mirror's Edge, and would love some really nice long free flowing elements mixed in with melee combat. This game is incredible in really making you feel like a bad-&#! space ninja.

Edited by Covenant-R
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