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If You Could Completely Remake The Game How Would You Do It?


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Make the weapons attachments more realistic, for example: silence for rifles=rifle suppressor, accuracy mods= scopes (all attachments for weap's change their appearance every time leveled). Also i would make it so that 3rd person was toggle-able with 1st person. There are so many other ideas but I don't wanna post 'em all...


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1) Open World like Destiny. 

2) Alert missions that offer things like Argon Crystals 

3) Argon Crystals that only expire when they are in your inventory (not when they are in your weapon build) 


5) A Background story (missions can offer that if player decides) 

6) A reporting system 

7) Higher chance for rares 

8) gun level offers gun upgrades (maybe) 

9) NO PVP!!!!! This game was why I got away from Call of Duty...I don't need another game trying to BE CoD

Edited by (PS4)LeviathanTM
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Firstly, revamp RNG in the void and loot tables in general. Just, so much rage I've gotten from those. Second, no exclusives. Instead, Vandal/Wraith/whatever Infested variant will be called will drop from either some form of raid boss (16 man cell anyone?), or hard alerts with a sort of story line (EG Darvo's). Third, completely redo the parkour system. It just doesn't flow as well as it should. Fourth, go back and give all weapons custom reloads (EG braton) that don't already, I love seeing how those work out. Fifth, make mastery levels give slots (EG L1 gives warframe slot, L2 gives weapon slot, L3 gives sentinel, etc repeat until L30). Sixth, remove redundant mods, buff underpowered ones, and revamp mods in general. Sixth, revamp difficulty. Stats remain relatively the same over levels except for damage. Instead, AI becomes increasingly agressive and tactical with each level. Seventh, give all enemies the same spawn chance in their category and in all tilesets/types of missions (EG all crawler types have the same spawn chance). Eighth and finally, rebalance all weapons and frames. None should be better than the other except for specific builds/situations.

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All Primes would be outlawed and destroyed, and only Ash Prime, Kunai Prime and Nikana Prime would exist. Only Ash Prime can wield these sacred weapons, and any other who attempts to wield them will have their soul absorbed into the weapons, increasing their power. All who oppose Ash Prime's might are sent to the Argon Crystal Mines, the crystals fueling Ash Prime's ever-increasing power.


All Tenno in a Loki Warframe are stripped of their armor and humiliated publicly for Ash Prime's entertainment, and are then worked to death in the Argon Crystal Mines. Those who used to dawn a Loki Prime Warframe face execution in front of Ash Prime.


Everything is under Ash Prime's empire, which holds the Origin System under his control. Any and all rebellious intentions are seized and excommunicated to The Void unshielded, where they bend and morph out of existence.


The Grineer Empire is now Ash Prime's military branch, The Corpus, his economic powerhouse. All other Tenno must bask in Ash Prime's glory everyday from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM. Failure to do so will win them a spot in the Argon Crystal Mines where they are worked to death.


All male Tenno must try their best to reach the unreachable peak of perfection that is Ash Prime.


All female Tenno must try their best to prove themselves a worthy bride for Ash Prime. 


-Eye contact with Ash Prime without permission is 10 years dungeon.

-Slandering Ash Prime's name and shortening it to only 'Ash' is 100 years dungeon.

-Saying the words, "Loki Prime is (better/cooler/smarter...etc.) than Ash Prime" is instant execution by Ash Prime himself, teleporting to your location that very moment to deal the fatal blow.


If you fail to thumbs up this post, Ash Prime will teleport to your location the next time you sleep and deliver a poison that will slowly kill you overtime.


Also, Ash Prime has free-aim Teleport.

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