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Will there be a wipe for full release? (Cash shop at least)


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I enjoy supporting the early beta at the moment and I have paid some money into the game but I hope that this doesn't limit my options when the full game comes out.

At the moment we are all beta testers and usually in games they refund and reset our balances for when the full game comes out, meaing that our platinum coins would be reset however much that I paid for them so I can fully spend them again.

Will this be the case in this game? At the moment we're basically testing out the features, gear and items and there will be price changes, additions and balances and it's only fair to reset them.

I understand some people may not want a wipe for when the actual game comes out but do people really want to walk around with very high level characters and gear on full release? Even with the potential for glitches for exploits to think about as well.

So, will there be a wipe for full release and will our plat points be refunded to however much I purchased so I can spend them again in the full game?

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Ah, thats great. It does say in the event though, is there any confirmation that they'll be doing a entire reset?

I personally hope they do, I don't think I've ever played a closed beta that hasn't been reset before but with all these f2p and cash shop related games you've gotta wonder/ask these days.

EDIT: Damn...looks like that guy doesn't want to reset, I'd prefer it over the optional tbh so everyone has a chance to start over fair and square and experience the full released content.

Edited by Kurtino
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Fair and square? That's only the case in a PVP game. What's the purpose of resetting a PVE game? Personally I feel that they shouldn't. There is no reason 2.

There's no reason not too either. If they're hoping to add some sort of economy to the game or trading or anything like that in the future that'll be a problem. Doesn't matter if its PVP or not the same rule applies to any game really. You could let people walk around with level 1000 characters that exploited a glitch in a early alpha game but what would be the point of that?

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i wish there are no wipe..but agian..I walked into a CB game..

it's only because I'm working hard to get the ash stuff..and certainly I don't want it to vanish iwithin one click lol

but CB is CB..can't aruge..

PS: i really wish the maps would change...it's always the same..just randomized for every mission

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Fair and square? That's only the case in a PVP game. What's the purpose of resetting a PVE game? Personally I feel that they shouldn't. There is no reason 2.

Well I'm not supporting this but here is the most common reason to wipe any PvE game:

If a company sells experience or other boosters in a cash shop or the game is pay to play then the more players have to progress the more likely they are to buy boosters or the more subscription time they will have to buy so why not have them do it all over again? In many MMORPGs we call these "Expansions". It's also the reason many quests are protracted and boring. World of Warcraft mastered the art of making quests and progression that took lots of time while not making the player notice unless they really thought about it.

This concept is also the reason companies are so adamant about rolling back characters if a bug is found or doing wipes during beta if there is an excuse. Not only does it mean you're going to pay them less money it breaks the illusion of accomplishment and progression for other players who think their time spent earning things in a video game actually means something and is a productive use of their short life on this planet. (Make me also wonder why I'm posting on this forum right now!)

The only legitimate reason to do a wipe is because the game has changed substantially and the developers want feedback or testing on the new game systems. More often than not it's why wipes are done during beta phases. When companies add in beta cash shops a whole other can of worms is opened though and I explained more or less why that is earlier in this post.

Edited by MegatechBody
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