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Infested Defense = Stunlock Stupidity


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dodge is hit or miss, I've had times when I do get knocked mid dodge.


For the record, there's several maneuvers you can attempt to escape an enemy.  It also comes down to timing.  If you know when to back down and create space, then dodging can be way more effective.  Now if you have chasers or other low end mobs, you can easily drop them as long as your load out is correct.  As for disruptors, healers, etc... That's what I mean by creating space.  And yes, they can be overwhelming at first -- but when you begin to recognize the wave patterns, you'll know how much is coming at you, and when you need to take on a different perspective of the battle field.


After I started playing with a clan I joined, it came pretty natural with the advice that was given to me.  


Wambulance, you are the man. \o

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For the record, there's several maneuvers you can attempt to escape an enemy.  It also comes down to timing.  If you know when to back down and create space, then dodging can be way more effective.  Now if you have chasers or other low end mobs, you can easily drop them as long as your load out is correct.  As for disruptors, healers, etc... That's what I mean by creating space.  And yes, they can be overwhelming at first -- but when you begin to recognize the wave patterns, you'll know how much is coming at you, and when you need to take on a different perspective of the battle field.


After I started playing with a clan I joined, it came pretty natural with the advice that was given to me.  


Wambulance, you are the man. \o

Appearently reading comprehension is not your forte... I was just pointing out dodge isn't foolproof as either due to bugs or whatnot you can still get knocked in it, I was not implying anything more nor less.

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Appearently reading comprehension is not your forte... I was just pointing out dodge isn't foolproof as either due to bugs or whatnot you can still get knocked in it, I was not implying anything more nor less.


No no, I read you loud and clear, like a whistle to my ear.  I just ignored the fact that you fail at dodging, by attempting to give you a little advice on how to not get stunned more often.  But you had to go all Mr. Ego Smartguy "Woooh,  Look at you, you're smart! You're a winner!" on me.  Geeze :\


And when has dodge ever bugged?  I've never had that issue.  Are you sure you're reading what you posted, correctly? o_O

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No no, I read you loud and clear, like a whistle to my ear.  I just ignored the fact that you fail at dodging, by attempting to give you a little advice on how to not get stunned more often.  But you had to go all Mr. Ego Smartguy "Woooh,  Look at you, you're smart! You're a winner!" on me.  Geeze :\


And when has dodge ever bugged?  I've never had that issue.  Are you sure you're reading what you posted, correctly? o_O

yes and I clearly stated I got knocked MID (as in during the process or for simpler terms you might understand since your mocking education during the animation cycle) of a dodge


also I never said I have problems getting stunned, you just read something took it out of context... heck that's not even out of context, you took it read it then added several essays worth of extra material to my wording that you then felt like you could ego boost yourself by being big awesome player that you are and give me tips for what reason I don't know since all I did was point out a possible glitch in game.


Edit: just a lil addendum, just because you have no experience of getting knocked during a dodge does not mean it can't happen it just means you have not experienced it. (by your logic the earth is still flat because I haven't seen it as a round ball from space >_> )

Edited by Ashgan9
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Stuns are one of the few things that encourage teamwork (keep in mind there are successful games based heavily on the enemies ability to in essance, stunlock you, for example in left 4 dead, most specials can stunlock/ kill you if no teammembers help you, the end result is 4 players sticking together and not letting a team member get pounced or charged or smoked.


(even if a server adds mod just to be fun, eg giving everyone M60's with unlimited ammo, a special can still lock and kill them)


If they must have stunlock I would say at most, reduce the stunlocking, but have a special that can stunlock you and do some serious damage and probably be biased towards going after runners/ rushers. to solve the rushing issue (to not make things insanely difficult the AI should be a little leanient to allow you to take cover and recharge a little but if a user is simply running away to the objective, the specials or other AI should go after you if you run, them probably more enemies requiring team work and you will have some nice pacing and discouragement of rushers.

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One of the games I most enjoyed, and trust me - I've played plenty, was Mabinogi.

This was due to the rather unique combat system.

Each move you could possibly do there - could be countered. But you could also counter the moves of enemies, be it NPCs, players, or monsters.

For example, there's Defense, in which a normal attack will cause a slight stun to the attacker and allow you to strike back

also counterattack, where a normal attack by the enemy makes you counter it with a strike above/below it instead of getting hit

and lastly, something very needed in Warframe - Windmill, in which you charge for a second, and when you press leftclick, you windmill around with your legs knocking everything back off of you.

Moves like these could be very interesting in Warframe, and very useful against the infested and other close combat sitautions

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Or... stop playing solo and join the multiplayer? Most of the complaints in my view are because most play alone with this "cod mentality". This is a co-op game the reason your probably being stun locked is because you have no other players to rely on.

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