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/// Communication request incoming .... pending

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In the name of Lord Volt's circuits, may I transmit my greetings, fellow Tennos


I'm motivated in a peaceful mission.

Recently, power has shifted! More and more the Grineers, the Corpus and those ill-built Ancients gather their strenghts, bulking and bleeking their corroding teeth, seeking out for our cores and circuits. Evaluated scan calculations have shown me a validity of what I'm searching. What may this be? I also am on missions during daytime, on a planetsystem called RealLife, in the Earth-belt. But as soon as the sun dawns, my shuttle carries me here.

I'm not eager to say, but more and more my fellow squad-combattants seem not to see the urgency in battling those rotten creatures back to the wormwhole they came from. Or they just fall like mellow fruit, making those stronger whom we fight with blood, sweat ... eeh you know what I mean!


Tell me, how do you organize group/squad play ingame? Are there the serious map-rushers as well as the more gentle explorers, dwelling in vast areas for loot, honor and adventure? Are you able to balance out power and continuity as the battles evolve? 


As far as I've read, you follow the path of kindness, fairness and good sportmanship, this pleases me, too.


Hope to hear from you soon, in the name of all cores!

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Yo when you coming back from vacation?

I get back Thursday around 9:00 pm, but I'm used to Italian time, so that's gonna feel like 4:00 in the morning to me. So I'll probably hop on for a bit to say hi because I miss you dudes, but I bet I won't sit down to play a while until Friday.

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Tell me, how do you organize group/squad play ingame? Are there the serious map-rushers as well as the more gentle explorers, dwelling in vast areas for loot, honor and adventure? Are you able to balance out power and continuity as the battles evolve? 


As far as I've read, you follow the path of kindness, fairness and good sportmanship, this pleases me, too.


Hope to hear from you soon, in the name of all cores!

I <3 this post. I wish I could reply in an equally fun fashion, but, as you may have gathered, I'm currently abroad and Internet access is spotty. =P

As far as organizing group play, it's mostly situational. For casual runs like a lucky void key drop or a simple mission, it's typically just mentioned in the clan chat and the first ones to respond join in. "Special" runs, like alerts, defense, farming sessions, etc. are usually carried out by more organized units of our higher-leveled players, such a myself, Mogar, Kroul, and many others. We've also taken to using Skype lately, by popular demand, to better coordinate our efforts.

We have an appreciation for the exploring and the rushing aspects of the game in equal measure, depending on the situation. We plow through alerts and farming runs, but you should have seen us meandering slack-jawed through our first mission in the Void.

All-in-all, I'm very pleased with our clan. It has the knowledge and expertise of a "hardcore" clan, but the friendly nature and the laid-back atmosphere of a casual one.

And, if you're curious, we'd be happy to have you. I even typed this all on my phone just for you. =P

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/// Warning, critical Wall of Text incoming, Warning

/// Shields depleted ... activating read mode ... stand by


Worship the core, and the core will always be with you, Synopsis.


Receive my thanks for the kind reply, and also a group-healing for your injured fingers, they must be injured, typing all this on the crappy i-device keyboard :D


If this is still OK with you, I'd like to apply and prove myself worthy to contribute, as my operating system was setup to run me as a loyal, precise and pasta-loving Tenno. Have you been to the P3P called pizza-assembler on Earth? :-)


Now seriously, I'm in this game for no longer than some days, but managed to advance my Loki to lvl 21 or 22 (not at home, currently). Bought a Braton and got several blueprints (Cronos, two chassis, some Orokin stuff and the DESPAIR), but I'm saving to get a sentinel first and a LEX after.

My aiming is honed from years of FPS games, social skills should exist, and I bring some admin experience from various games in my past. English is not my native language, I live in Switzerland (so German, French, Italian are common to me). Like I mentioned, my reallife sometimes likes to apply chaos to my gaming plans, but sometimes I have a debuffer ready :D


I'm using skype alot for other games too, but sometimes talking is not possible 'causeI don't live alone, hope this does not pose problems.


You say I should have seen you, did you record it? I'm eager to learn, hehe, but only from the good guys!


Hit me back

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i love your post good sir, unfortunately i am just not as creative. I will be in-game shortly to send out invites. I will gladly send one out to you. To address your use of Skype. It shouldn't be a problem. We are currently investigating a solution called Razor Comms. I have personally also been looking at using Raid call. We seem to have some disagreements within the clan from the technical application to the Razor Comms system( system resources, bandwidth etc.) which we are evaluating. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask any of the officers(or higher ups) and as wep/frame setups you can ask anyone in the clan they will gladly assist in anyway they can.

Edited by Dskdemonic
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ill have to take a rain check on that, it seems that DEs auto ban system banned my account wooo


That's severely uncool :|

Id like to join this clan if thats alright?

'Course it is! Kroul or one of our Officers will send you an invite ASAP.

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