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[Suggestion] New Mission Type + Map - Domination


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Hi, Im coming with idea for a new mission type. Maybe for some it wont be that original, but I think it could work ;) I called that S.O.S retreat/Domination. Ive hope you will survive this long story :P


Story: ;P

The mission would start normally with anim. of flying ship but then, it appears that ship got damaged by ground defense and Tenno have to land. The ship is crashing, its wreck should be a part of terrain(i'll explain why). Lotus still communicates with the team but she says that cant find you in the universe map(but has the view of sattelite-base where you crashed). The sattelite/planet would look quite similar to corpus outpost, buy myabe more in grineer climate ;) and its well occupied by the Grineer. Lotus wants to send a new extraction ship, but she doesnt know where to, so here we start the point of our mission :D She notices that you crashed near the communication tower(sort of ;)) but the wreck smashed source of power. You have to send S.O.S, but its more complicated :P If interested, read below xD


Map design:

It would be not too large, and surrounded by terrain like in corpus outpost, also divided by mountain walls for 7 zones. 6 of them would be like placed on the circle around the main zone(tower crashsite), and connected with it by 1 main path. Every zone would be also connected to nearest 2, also by 1 path(or maybe 1 additional, hidden and 'faster'-you will notice why its important). Each 'surrounding' zone would contain a 'main hall' where you can find a 'Polarity field'(a not too wide circle of energy that matches polarity with the owning faction), surrounded by some boxes and barricades(!thats important!). Each Main hall would be a half opened location, high terrain around, 2 ways to nearest Polarity field zones and 1 connection to the crash site.

6 fields as 3x pair of same polarity circles, for example 'D' polarity marked field on the top left map corner and the same field on the opposite side of communication tower - a bottom right corner.



You have to reach and possess pairs of polarity fields 3 times. (2/3,3/3=win, 1/3=fail). Each time you dominate a pair for 2minutes(yes, this mission is more based on cooperating and splitting the team for 2+2), fields send stored energy to the tower that spends it to send a S.O.S alert to Lotus(she needs it 2x times to locate you and send a ship - thats just for story ;))

Important!: Lotus is showing pairs of 'active' fields randomly - to prevent players from owning the game since its start... ('every' mission could be different)

If you move into the 'neutral status' Field, it starts to glow with blue light 'energy' and it means that you possess this one. If your allies will possess the 2nd, similar Field, it starts to countdown 2min (storing energy for the tower). Now, enemy can prevent u from escaping by reaching the field you possessed. If both active fields will be 'in conflict'(tenno and grineer/corpus are inside the circle), enemies and their presence polarity disturbs storing signal and their trying to corrupt it. It begins to countdown 50sec(there could be a bar with Field locking progress, 1s=2%). But! If enemies will force you to move out of the circle(it means they own it only if they reach the circle - tenno doesnt loose fields even when are out of it, unless an enemy will get in), and the second active polarity field is in the same status 'possessed by enemy' or 'in conflict', field 'locking progress' is going 2x faster - 1sec=4%. 25secs in this state or 50sec in 'in conflict', means that these 2 fields are locked and you have 1/3 loss. State of Fields can change every second, so every second has a meaning in countdowns.


So rules are simple:

-state changes doesnt interrupt any countdowns, only 'pausing' them.

-both fields at a time are possessed by Tenno for 2mins = 1 S.O.S sent.

-1 Field in conflict/possessed by an enemy and 1 possessed by Tenno = none countdown is going further until the state will change,

-2 Fields in conflict or 1 in conflict and 1 possessed by an enemy = 50seconds to fail.

-both fields at a time are possessed by enemy = 25seconds to fail.

-one pair is done(success or fail), you have to reach another active pair(enemy is rushing too(!) - they wont spawn in the active fields area until tenno reaches that zone)

-grineer are interested more in running and shooting/knocking you on your way to the active fields.(yea corpus moa would also match here ;P)

If you think that it would be too easy, just imagine that there are only 2 of you in the current field and grineer shielders and horde of others like heavy grineer are trying to move you away/kill xD


Thats all, if you have any question just ask, I'll try to explain or even can show and example 'view' of the map(some circles, lines and maybe you will better understand ;)). My idea isnt perfect so it would require lots of work and tries. Sorry for my crappy language. Ive hope you like it ;) Greetings to all ninjas!!

Seeyah in the shadows...

Edited by Etheryon
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Well, at the beginning I had to say 'OMGWTF! SO COMPLICATED!' but when finally went through all of this and reached 'shortcut rules' it seems cool to me. Like something different to most missions. I mean its not 'run to marker, press X and rush to exit'... I would gladly try that :D however it looks that mission wouldnt be soloable, right?

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Got 1 more question. Why did you divide your map for 7 zones, I mean 6 of those Field zones, when it could be just 4? But combined differently. For example top and bottom, left and right, and the last try with top and left etc. I dont get it...

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Ye I know that. I could design it like that BUT running from field to field would be also important part of this mission. Run through Grineer that are trying to reach it before you and occasionally clear them to make defense easier or rush with 'hidden'(clear) path to be sooner or stop their 'locking progress' if u r late. Fields would be too close one another. Some ppl could just roam from easy going field zone to those that have problems to hold their field. I wanned make roaming dangerous. If you decide to leave 1 teammate that thinks he will handle and you will help the other 2, you have to run rly quickly to reach their position. Those are my reasons :)

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