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Current Trading System Is Inconvenient Af


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Lol. You guys sound like AH will solve all the problems of overpriced/underpriced items in the market. This issue has always been due to impatience and misinformation of traders, and nothing else. We already have WFTrading as a rough guideline, and yet not everyone wants to use that as reference (maybe it's not accurate? or people don't find it useful? I don't know)
The point is, something is extremely expensive because nobody wants to farm it, including yourself, and the reason you are &!$$ed at the price is merely because you don't want to pay the price several other people are willing to pay. So don't complain about overpriced items just because you are too lazy or not determinant enough to farm it yourself. It's silly to just assume one can automatically purchase an item for the lowest possible price with the least amount of effort given (i.e. you just walk in the store for 2 minutes and expect "lowest price in the market"), because quite frankly that's not how market works. As far as my experience goes, even with market place/auction house, trade enthusiasts are still going to be able to easily under buy and over sell to make profits; the only difference is being able to do it with or without actually talking to people.
But anyway, getting sidetracked. Personally I like the idea of "Market Place" system, for no more reason other than convenience. At the moment, there are 2 major issues. 1) Chat flooding of trading channel makes it impossible to sell low price mods that don't worth more than 4p, and 2) It's just silly that if you want to do some real business, you have to sit in front of the chat box waiting for people to pm you or trying to see if anyone sell/buy want you are buying/selling. This is a shooting/action game after all, and trading is just a side event to let you exchange for mods that you are too lazy to find yourself or make some platinum for swags. We can keep the current flea market style trading channel for the market enthusiast out there who just love doing one-on-one trading. Plus, we actually still need the trade channel for item-to-item trading because it's just too complicated to put those kind of trading offers on the market place system. Important thing here is players should at least be given the freedom put trading offers on a system, and be allowed to continue doing missions with a peace of mind while waiting for people to accept the offers. Thus, these are what I want to see:
1) Market place system allowing request to buy or putting items for sale.
2) Sellers can choose buy-it-now/fixed price option (i.e. I put Intensity for 5p on market, and whoever wants to get it can just put down 5p and leave with the mod)
3) (not necessarily required, since having a selling option is adequate, but for convenience:) Able to put up "buy request" for fixed price.
4) (if not too much trouble) Add the option to put auction style buy-request or for-sale posts. Auction selling is self explanatory. For buy-auctions, it would be something like I would like to buy tranquil cleave, and people will be able to give me offers (50p, 40p, 31p, 26p, etc.), and the lowest bidding offer by the end will win and get my platinum for the mod. Essentially, a highest possible price would be required for buy-auctions. Also, if you are out-bidded, the mod (for buy-auctions)/plat (for sell-auctions) will return to you until you place another bid so that it doesn't get locked up until the auction ends. 
5) Putting buy-requests, items-for-sale should require credits (preferably 5 - 10k for fixed price sales, 20-40k for auctions) as to regulate the flow of requests on market place such that it doesn't get over flooded. Credit taxes should also continue to apply after the trade is successful.
7) Duration limit for posts on marketplace. I am thinking of something like 2-5 days. Duration should depend on how much credits you put for that post (more credits = longer duration).
8) No credits trade please. Gold-farmers are disgusting mf's.
It's actually not a very complicated system, and it is seen in a lot of other MMOGs. It just makes it easy for people to be able to buy and sell stuff and enjoy the game at the same time. I believe this system is unlikely to negatively affect players' willingness to buy platinum since this system is entirely platinum based, so players have to get plat either from DE or from players who purchased from DE. In fact, I think increasing fluidity of the market increases the flow of platinum thus more revenue of DE.

For item-item requests, since it's quite complicated to have it on market place (theoretically we can do offer style i.e. people can put up a post for mods they are trading out, and then the post can accept offers of mods to be traded with, but then it would mean the mods being offered will get locked up until the post is over.... which means its a waste of time if the offer was unsuccessful.) For now, I guess we can just add a message board to make it a little easier, preferably allow offers to be hidden and only the poster can see (although it's really no difference from shouting on trade channel or posting on trading forum here?).
Edited by Jackyhk
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Lol at "Hope it's unanimous" because guess what buddy?

I like the trading system because as of right now, it's currently the most careful form of trading I've seen in a long time.

Current trading system is like a bazaar. Dozen of people around, yelling and screaming and desperately trying to lure costumers to their shop.

Very medieval.

And then you have these socalled auction houses that best could be compared to a supermarked. I would prefer a supermarked instead of the current trading system.

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What if the trading system would be like:

the current chat plus a sort of auction house (the only access would be via the trading terminal in the guild)
the auction posted in the auction house would only last for 15 minutes and the minimun price may be estabilished by the warframe team (something like: price of the item = difficulty for obtaining the item * rarity of the item : number of player with that item)

(another option would be that when you search you may see only a 10% of the products that are enlisted to the auction, in this way you may have less choice, but the products may vary depending on the player so it would be a compromise between the chat and the classic auction and having it would not harm so much the chat in my opinion).

this would mean that the player that want the chat would still mantain it, people that have less time for staying all day on the chat would have a chance to be satisfied and in a way that would not generate too much competition or the market to crumble

what do you think?


I think that the best think would be finding a solution for making everyone satisfied (or at lest almost everyone), so I'd like people to work together (both people that like this system and people that doesn't like it) to find a solution that would be good

Edited by Nezard99
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