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(Fanfiction Website And Warframe Forums) I'm Finished With This Crap...


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For my reason only, i've wanted to make good crossovers that everyone will like for once. But a problem came, my enemy was time itself. I posted a Sonic/Ghost Recon crossover and others. And with my limited time, caused my stories to have a slightly weak story build. Even if i tried to improve. These users keep posting comments on Sonic/MLP instead of mine's for once. Today, i've reached the limit. I can't do this, even saying a Sonic/Metroid crossover thread. They say it a bad idea, and no one had the courage to back me up and say "This is a good idea, lets create this" how can this be? I'm alone with this. 


For me, i've had enough of this. I wanted a Sonic Rush / Metroid Prime game or a comic. That's all i'm saying, just give them effort for their work. Not demote them

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I'm sorry OP but your post has alot of grammatical errors and things not relevant to warframe so people don't seem to get your point. But I will agree that a sonic the hedgehog and metroid crossover game/comic would be a good idea.

Well, this IS off-topic here. But when i post one of those. They disagree.


Man, i'm alone with this.

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Hey, forget about those people who disagreed with you. It's a forum, which means people can share their two cents and see if anyone else agrees. Everyone has ideas that some others may not be happy with, but if you believe in your opinion and idea, no one can take that away from you.

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