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Hello everyone! Not gonna be too formal with this. I'm a long-time space ninja, as you can tell from my profile- March 2013. Not sure if that puts me in Alpha or early Beta, either way. I played for a week, got bored after mastering Snipetron, and quit.


I recently re-visited the game after I had a hard-drive melt on my desktop. With my primary computer down, I switched to laptop. Without the sob story, a friend introduced me to "Razer Game Booster," and now I run Warframe on medium/high graphics and play more than I sleep. As I'm going to college, rather than fix my desktop I've decided I'm just gonna stick around with Warframe on laptop. And if I'm gonna stick, I may as well get to know the community.


However, I come from another world. Game-world anyways. It's a game called Blockland, and our community has our own dedicated forum as well. I've been a member of that forum for about 3-4 years now, and I'm a fairly well known member there. However, the community is much smaller there than it is here on Warframe (being an indie game that was made by "Badspot" aka Eric Hartman, rather than an entire dev team much like Warframe.) So everyone knows who their friends are, who their enemies are, and who the trolls are. I actually have a very close friend on the BL Forums that made (or re-made, I should say) a topic for Warframe.


Being my first post (woo) I don't have any concept of the range of how detailed posts can get (other than the obvious bold, italics, underline and strike.) BLF supports a huge ammount of HTML modification, so I do have a couple questions that I'll either keep to this thread, or hopefully be able to message someone about.


x- Is it possible to post images (I'm fairly certain this is a yes, I've seen multiple posted around, especially in general discussion)

x- If we can post images, can we modify their dimensions?

x- Can we re-color text? Position it left, right and center? What possibilities do we have?

x- general tips/hints. I've already found the easy text modifiers, as well as the preview button.

x- Can we edit posts? (I may figure this out myself after posting this.) yes we can edit posts


Link test-

http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=236952.0#post_top  -  Our forum's dedicated topic about WF

http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?action=profile;u=50927  -  My BL profile

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/user/48679-adinx/  -  obvious


If there's any general advice people have, I would greatly appreciate it. I've got close to 5k posts on the BLF so I know my way around your average forum.

Edited by AdinX
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