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Wu Warrior Wednesdays


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Starting August 13th Wu Tang Clan will be having some friendly in-clan competitions. The competitions will take place the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month. This first event is a test and allows a week after completion to work out any bugs and or issues. The challenges will vary, from most kills in a week to longest survival time, most waves faced and hacked consoles. Each challenge will have certain criteria and participation is completely optional but encouraged. In order to make it fair to both new and veteran players I have established tiers according to mastery level. Tier 1 will be ranks 0-5, Tier 2 will be 6-10, and Tier 3 will be 11+. The rewards will be posted with each challenge so you know what you are playing for. They will also vary just like the challenges, whether its 40 Platinum for a booster to 3 R5 cores. Prime pieces and Void keys will be included for the newer players in addition to donations to clan vault being paid by myself. Most challenges will require screenshots to verify info and kill count for example. Rest assured, the only info that will be shared with anyone will be the actual number of kills or consoles hacked, etc. If you have any questions message me on PSN: ToshMaha88 and I will be more than happy to answer them.

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August 13th-20th Challenge: Most Kills in a Week!!!!


Tenno, grab your best gear and get your blood lust on!! This first challenge is about as simple as it gets: Get the MOST Kills!!!


There will be rewards for the 1st and 2nd Place finishers in each Tier.

1st Place: 40 Platinum and 2 Void Keys

2nd Place: 2 R5 cores and 1 Void key or Prime piece (if available)


In order to participate Profile screenshots must be submitted before and after, any players not completing these requirements will be disqualified.

Before: Screenshot of your current kill count must be submitted after 8 PM CST and before Midnight CST on August 12th.

After: Screenshot of your kill count after the week is over must be submitted between Midnight CST and 8 AM on August 21st.


In both cases I realize certain players may not be able to follow these fairly strict timelines, so get with me both before and after in order to work something out. Keep in mind, I will be paying attention in case someone tries to boost their numbers, so please use the Honor system if we agree on different time submissions.


I will not be participating as I am the Judge, and I will be sponsoring the rewards as well. Good luck and may the best Tenno win!!!


Any questions please message me on PSN: ToshMaha88 or contact fellow Wu Warlord HanTao02 and he can get ahold of me. Also, any ideas or anyone wanting to help is more than welcome to message me and we can talk about it.

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