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Lf Friends And Other Methods Of Reking


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Note: This is probably going to end up looking like another generic intro post.


Hey guys! My IGN is VintageNostalgia but my real name is Steven. I'm 16 years of age and going to be a junior in high school. I have been playing video games since I was in first grade, jumping from a gamecube to a xbox 360 now to a PC, I have finally found another game other than TF2 (been playing that for 3ish years now) that I can enjoy for a long time. To me Warframe is honestly the coolest game I have instantly liked playing when I got off of my lazy @$$ to go and try it on steam and I have to say, it's been a long long time since I actually found a game that I really really enjoy. I hope I can meet you cool people in the community and make some friends. 



Edited by VintageNostalgia
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