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Warframe Minigames On Android


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As the title suggest, I guess it would promote a minor audience, but mostly entertain the tenno out there. We cant sit all day on the PC, so why not when we are out we can bring a little of warframe with us. 


Flappy Zephyr The Minigame - Android - Rage - Hate - Sadface (tho it's fun, the most common audience would probably go mad at it.)


Wyrmius The Minigame - Android - I think this one is the one that would take off the most. 


A problem then might be production towards the cause. Free to play, what is the process from PC to android. I would imagine little too much work as of what plans DE has to offer in the near future (u14.5 - u15)


But maybe this could be something in the far, far future of warframe. 

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