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Reward Us For Advance In Mastery Rank


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As JudgeN has said previously, even with the slot rewards, it's nowhere near enough to get all of the weapons and frames even now, much less in the future when much more equipment will be added. Giving 1 frame slot and 2 weapon slots for a mastery rank is not imbalanced in any way, and in fact will keep players interested by providing them with more space to keep and try new gear without the fear of losing their old gear which they invested a lot of time into leveling. Plus, raising the Mastery Rank is not an easy feat, especially past Rank 4. It takes ages to rank up even once.


And a lot of you are treating slots as the devs' only source of income. Cosmetics, potatoes, shortcutting to new frames, there are all kinds of other sources of revenue for them other than limiting player inventory. Oh and that talk about how "we should be glad we can farm weapons for free because other games make you pay" BS. Should we be glad we don't get Day 1 DLC on all new games now? Should we be glad a paid game doesn't have always-online DRM or micro-transactions because some company does it? Yeah we should congratulate DE on their better business model, doesn't mean it's some kind of sin to say it can be improved just because they don't use a fake f2p model like most other companies. The way you people say it, it's as if pay2win is the standard in the gaming industry and DE is some kind of saint for not following it!


Totally agree.


Some people just don't see things clearer, they care too much for the little bit that's been toss out by the Devs, instead of making ways to attract more player to this game;

Thus providing this game more potential customers and incomes.

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really give me a break, without paying customers there would not be gaming.

free loaders always cry "I want I want I want"

not directing this at anyone so if anyone takes it as offencive your not hearing.

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As JudgeN has said previously, even with the slot rewards, it's nowhere near enough to get all of the weapons and frames even now, much less in the future when much more equipment will be added. Giving 1 frame slot and 2 weapon slots for a mastery rank is not imbalanced in any way, and in fact will keep players interested by providing them with more space to keep and try new gear without the fear of losing their old gear which they invested a lot of time into leveling. Plus, raising the Mastery Rank is not an easy feat, especially past Rank 4. It takes ages to rank up even once.



So you are basically saying you are too cheap to pay 5$ for extra slots?



And a lot of you are treating slots as the devs' only source of income. Cosmetics, potatoes, shortcutting to new frames, there are all kinds of other sources of revenue for them other than limiting player inventory. Oh and that talk about how "we should be glad we can farm weapons for free because other games make you pay" BS. Should we be glad we don't get Day 1 DLC on all new games now? Should we be glad a paid game doesn't have always-online DRM or micro-transactions because some company does it? Yeah we should congratulate DE on their better business model, doesn't mean it's some kind of sin to say it can be improved just because they don't use a fake f2p model like most other companies. The way you people say it, it's as if pay2win is the standard in the gaming industry and DE is some kind of saint for not following it!


I feel like that paragraph was somewhat aimed for my previous comment. Anyway, how is comparing a game's business model with another game's business model BS? Also, the word "Free to play" should be taken light hearted. Nothing is really free, it's just a marketing plot and a rhetorical matter. If you really thought the games that are labeled as F2P would be completely free to play, you sir are just too naive.

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really give me a break, without paying customers there would not be gaming.

free loaders always cry "I want I want I want"

not directing this at anyone so if anyone takes it as offencive your not hearing.

This is not a I want I want thread,

This is a simple suggestion for rewarding players that like this game, put their effort into this game.


And seriously, do you guys think Devs would starve to death, by giving players some slots?

It merely half the required slots at Rank 9 at current rate.

Edited by JudgeN
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The way you people say it, it's as if pay2win is the standard in the gaming industry and DE is some kind of saint for not following it!


Uh yes?


I mean have you seen what the rest of the F2P space looks like?


If you're that attached to your gear that you leveled then pay to keep something you enjoy. This is not a complicated concept. If you want to be frugal then drop old gear and get new gear. Why do you want the best of everything without paying a single cent?

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Uh yes?


I mean have you seen what the rest of the F2P space looks like?


If you're that attached to your gear that you leveled then pay to keep something you enjoy. This is not a complicated concept. If you want to be frugal then drop old gear and get new gear. Why do you want the best of everything without paying a single cent?



As I have said, this is not about I want I want thread;

It's a simple suggestion that improves game play experience, and thus attract more potential customers.


Everyone can agree or disagree, but stop attacking free players for not paying;

They are here because the Ad is FREE TO PLAY.

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This is not a I want I want thread,

This is a simple suggestion for rewarding players that like this game, put their effort into this game.


And seriously, do you guys think Devs would starve to death, by giving players some slots?

It merely half the required slots at Rank 9 at current rate.


no the game would fold.

are you feeding the devs and their family?


seriously though mate i dont want a flame fest im just saying my opinion as you did yours. im not saying im right or you are.

just stating my opinion on how ive seen games go down. but still i hope you have fun and good gaming, see ya in game sometime and watch you out damage me XD. best of luck to you!


after thought though judge, if you or we etc didnt express these things nothing would happen, so a healthy discussion. and no i dont see you as a gimme gimme person, i didnt aim it at anyone, and not at you personally

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Short version of a long answer:

Do I want to see rewards for completing rank (mastery) ups?



Do I want them to give slots?

Sure, but I'd suggest only giving 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots AFTER hitting rank 7.

Unless the cap is like rank 30.

Either way, I believe that in essence, the developers need to be fair to themselves by not giving out TOO many free things. It's great they're doing what they're doing, sure, but I agree that when we rank up, some sort of reward should be given.

I do -not- agree however that we should get slots EVERY RANK. Maybe in the higher ranks. Maybe. 

And since I have no -ideas- on how these things should work, I will reserve judgement.

Edited by BadlandsHyena
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Short version of a long answer:

Do I want to see rewards for completing rank (mastery) ups?



Do I want them to give slots?

Sure, but I'd suggest only giving 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots AFTER hitting rank 7.

Unless the cap is like rank 30.

Either way, I believe that in essence, the developers need to be fair to themselves by not giving out TOO many free things. It's great they're doing what they're doing, sure, but I agree that when we rank up, some sort of reward should be given.

I do -not- agree however that we should get slots EVERY RANK. Maybe in the higher ranks. Maybe. 

And since I have no -ideas- on how these things should work, I will reserve judgement.


OP, take some tips from this guy. This is how you present an idea.

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Short version of a long answer:

Do I want to see rewards for completing rank (mastery) ups?



Do I want them to give slots?

Sure, but I'd suggest only giving 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots AFTER hitting rank 7.

Unless the cap is like rank 30.

Either way, I believe that in essence, the developers need to be fair to themselves by not giving out TOO many free things. It's great they're doing what they're doing, sure, but I agree that when we rank up, some sort of reward should be given.

I do -not- agree however that we should get slots EVERY RANK. Maybe in the higher ranks. Maybe. 

And since I have no -ideas- on how these things should work, I will reserve judgement.

After hitting Rank 7? Then what's the point of even giving a reward for ranking up? Did you read JudgeN's earlier post on page 1? Did you do the math? 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots per rank is nothing compared to the existing and quickly expanding list of possible equipment! I doubt anyone can even get past Rank 9!

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After hitting Rank 7? Then what's the point of even giving a reward for ranking up? Did you read JudgeN's earlier post on page 1? Did you do the math? 1 warframe slot and 2 weapon slots per rank is nothing compared to the existing and quickly expanding list of possible equipment! I doubt anyone can even get past Rank 9!


You clearly don't understand what the words 'Reasonable' and 'Compromise' mean.

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You clearly don't understand what the words 'Reasonable' and 'Compromise' mean.

Well then define them, smartass. Is "reasonable" defending every single decision the devs make? Is "compromise" STFUing about anything you don't agree with about the business model or game mechanics in general, or suggesting changes so minor it essentially changes nothing? Did you even read my post? I said needing to go past Mastery Rank 7 to even start getting one or two slots is as good as having no slot rewards at all! It doesn't solve anything! I merely stated that his suggestion would result in essentially nothing changing, how does that show i don't understand the words "reasonable" and "compromise"??


F it, i'm getting frustrated. It's clear you'll never listen to a word of opposition anyway, at least not from me, and the reverse is true for me from you. May we never converse again.

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Well it doesn't matter anyway. Let the devs read this and decide for themselves : )


Oh and @Madot


I should point out that I forgot to write (rewards for every rank up, except that we get the slot rewards after Rank 7)


That was my fault and I apologize for causing such offense towards you.

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Well it doesn't matter anyway. Let the devs read this and decide for themselves : )


Oh and @Madot


I should point out that I forgot to write (rewards for every rank up, except that we get the slot rewards after Rank 7)


That was my fault and I apologize for causing such offense towards you.

Well that clears things up a bit. I do wonder what rewards you have in mind though. Considering Mastery Rank is related to ranking up weapons and frames, i would've thought giving slots for Mastery ups made sense. The rewards can't just be credits or mods though, we can easily get those off farming missions. It'd have to be something unique and practical, even if it's not slots.

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Well then define them, smartass. Is "reasonable" defending every single decision the devs make? Is "compromise" STFUing about anything you don't agree with about the business model or game mechanics in general, or suggesting changes so minor it essentially changes nothing? Did you even read my post? I said needing to go past Mastery Rank 7 to even start getting one or two slots is as good as having no slot rewards at all! It doesn't solve anything! I merely stated that his suggestion would result in essentially nothing changing, how does that show i don't understand the words "reasonable" and "compromise"??


F it, i'm getting frustrated. It's clear you'll never listen to a word of opposition anyway, at least not from me, and the reverse is true for me from you. May we never converse again.


Okay, here's the thing, You're too invested in your own idea to argue it logically as this post of yours has made so amply clear.


When I disagree with your idea I'm "telling you STFU", you've also painted me as a White Knight based on just this one thread. I've calmly disagreed with the OP and pointed out the flaws in his argument. Both you and him have both responded by being hostile.


You've painted your suggested changes as "so minor it essentially changes nothing", which an incredibly biased PoV. You don't know that and you nothing to back this up.


So step back and take a deep breath. You're taking discussions about video games far too seriously.


Edit: And that's the last time I directly engage you because I'm pretty sure what I've said isn't going to stick. Cheers.

Edited by Thirdstar
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 Giving 1 frame slot and 2 weapon slots for a mastery rank is not imbalanced in any way, and in fact will keep players interested by providing them with more space to keep and try new gear without the fear of losing their old gear which they invested a lot of time into leveling. 



The problem is that actually, you don't know if that's really literally true or not. Neither do I. The only people who're really in a position to know are the developers -  who can run numbers, figure out statistics and develop an accurate model of how free and paying players are actually playing.  *g*


The thing is, it's a business. You monetize what you can, you surprise players with your genuine generosity where you're able to, and you very carefully choose what you give away for free, because sometimes that is where you will make or break your business - if what you're relying on is the willingness of players to pay as they go, rather than cough up a lump sum up front. 


Personally, I'm with the guy just a few posts before yours who suggested an opened slot once every several levels. It's a nice idea, and I totally agree that achieving a mastery rank ought to be recognised with some sort of reward - it's not exactly easy to do.  I just also believe that there are reasonable limits to these things.


I mean, for goodness' sakes, I get a small reward every day just for logging in.  It's never anything super big, but damn  - since when do I get a prize just for showing up?  *g*

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Personally, I'm with the guy just a few posts before yours who suggested an opened slot once every several levels. It's a nice idea, and I totally agree that achieving a mastery rank ought to be recognised with some sort of reward - it's not exactly easy to do.  I just also believe that there are reasonable limits to these things.


I mean, for goodness' sakes, I get a small reward every day just for logging in.  It's never anything super big, but damn  - since when do I get a prize just for showing up?  *g*


DESteve did admit that the Mastery system was a bit hastily put together and they were working on making it more rewarding. The idea you're referring to is a nice compromise between NO SLOTS EVER and SLOTS EVERYWHERE!


They did also say that don't have the backend systems setup to make such a thing possible right now anyway.

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You can get any item in this game for free except for slots and colors.

5 dollars will get you what, 3 warframe slots or 6 inventory slots or any combination of the two.

You state that giving more incentive to play would bring in more customers.

But if you keep handing everything out for free, that's more customers that... don't pay.

This is a business, and these guys do this for a living.

The more you hand out for free, the less income they make.

You're either naive or literally can't think about anything besides yourself if you think just "one slot" or just "one more reward" wouldn't impact anything.

Companies write memo's about saving a few pieces of paper or turning off your monitors to save a little bit of energy, because of how much it adds up.

Stop being cheap little whiners and support a game that you obviously enjoy playing.

Contrary to popular belief, hugs and kisses aren't a valid monetary compensation.

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Well that clears things up a bit. I do wonder what rewards you have in mind though. Considering Mastery Rank is related to ranking up weapons and frames, i would've thought giving slots for Mastery ups made sense. The rewards can't just be credits or mods though, we can easily get those off farming missions. It'd have to be something unique and practical, even if it's not slots.

Well, if you remember, I did say that I haven't had any ideas as to what should be done, so I'm afraid I cannot say more than that!

Honestly though, I -do- hope the developers give this thread a look. At least, even with the arguments, they can see both sides of the community and their points.

Edited by BadlandsHyena
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<p>If they can't give rewards per mastery rank (which has been noted, quoted, re-iterated and repeat) i'd settle for more gated content. Anything basically to make me feel like ranking up is worth it. Getting rank 4 and the Hek was awesome, since then i haven't given a toss about mastery, simply because it doesn't currently do anything. I don't want slots, i'm happy to pay for slots, i want something either special (new weapons or frames, which i'm happy to pay for), or that reduces the grinding time (so credits, or mats) maybe even a choice of a rare mod. I spend 8-10 hours a day at work so time > money.</p>

<p> </p>

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They need a way for non-pay players to get slots, period


4 warframe slots isn't enough, 8-10 weapon slots is barely enough so long as you always sacrifice the worse of 2 similiar weapons


Then they will have to pay!!!! those players do not need slots, they want them, huge difference.

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Don't forget that as it is they are giving you a bit of plat to buy things as well.


Personally, I do think there should be sacrifices if you are going to free ride the game, and limiting the number of weapons and frames you can have at once is a good way to go about it.  As neat as the game is, the devs do need money to keep bringing us good stuff, and there needs to be some incentive to spend plat here and there.


Now, I do like the idea of getting some slots for mastery rank up, especially if newer weapons are tied to higher mastery ranks.  However its an odd point to balance, as you literally don't raise your mastery without getting more weapons or (especially) frames.  Do you hand out enough that someone grinding everything can continue to move up in mastery rank?  Do you give half that, to encourage them buying slots or selling some gear to keep improving their mastery?  It's hard to say, and you need to balance time invested vs. reward vs. plat costs vs. people not losing interest.

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