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A Short Guide to Jackal


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Though I do not know any stats of Jackal, I do know some tips and tricks about him. Jackal is the best boss imho because he really requires some good teamwork to beat him.


It spawns is the center of the arena and you should always go to the edge of the hole in the center of the arena and concentrate on shooting only 1 arm/leg. Because it can only be damaged once it is down on its 3 legs/arms. Once it's down try to only use melee and keep charging because it's just defenseless and can't do anything once down. When it stands up just return to range and keep shooting only 1 arm/leg. It has a lot of health so it would take some time to take it down. Note that you should cooperate with your team to bring down one of his legs/arms.

I know of one tactic that's very effective if you have a high clip capacity gun or a machine gun. The squad goes to the edge of the hole and keeps constant dps on 1 arm/leg. Everyone is on melee range and will always keep it down using guns and reducing its health using melee thus always keeping it down or atleast not letting it use its skill. Note that this tactic can be very risky and I only recommend it to experienced Jackal killers.



This is its normal attack, they will hurt and it can be good to tank him if your shield is very high (e.g. 700+). I recommend getting some Shield Capacity, Shield Recharge Rate, Clip Capacity, and Ammo Maximum mods to last longer in the fight. Because he won't be moving while you just stand still, your squad can effectively dps down one of its legs and kill it faster. Then you can just swap with someone else while you regenerate shield and the other tank.


One of the most annoying skills it has. It will stomp one foot and cause an orange wave that once hits someone, it causes them to slip and fall which leaves you vulnerable for a few seconds. It deals a modarate amount of dmg so its ok if you get hit but still always avoid it. I know a method to counter this, simply just jump over the wave to avoid it, though its harder to avoid it if you're in melee range but practice makes perfect. I see so many people running away from the wave causing them to split up and let Jackal dps them while running away or while on the floor.

Land Mines

The perfect trap for newbies since its a bit hard to see these things once it puts them down. Jackal will put down a row of blue mines and let them explode a few seconds later. It literally 1 hits you if it you get caught. Though the mines are small their aoe range is absurdly large. Making running away from it very very hard especially if your on top of one. The only solution I know to this is to runaway by sprinting or backflipping far enough to avoid them but its always better to have a keen eye and notice them before they explode.

Spawn BombBots

These bots put down orange bombs that hurt especially if the bombs are close to each other. These bots are killable but quite annoying because of their fast spawn rate. They move quite a bit fast too so it's up to you if you wanna kill them. If you kill them you will use bullets that you need for Jackal but if you don't then running around won't be so safe. Imo just leaving them alone is ok because I usually use the tactic I just said earlier.

I hope this guide helps players because this is my first guide. Any feedback or suggestion is acceptable and sorry if my english is a bit bad.

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