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Short End Of The Sword.


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I love the idea of having mods that effect sliding attacks and wall running, but maybe keep it seperate from charge attacks? you could call it, Trick Slash gives something like 20/40/60/80/100% icrease to wallrun/sliding/jump attack damage. would certainly promote more flashy play XD

Your idea is great, I have also seen it been suggested in design council.

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Slightly off the subject, where on earth are North Wind mods? I haven't seen one yet, but I've gotten both Molten Impact and Shocking Touch several times.


Ontopic: Yes, it would be nice to have melee buffed. I've always had a soft spot for melee, and there are some things in melee now that are just not practical for the amount of effort taken, like the wallrun + melee. Flashy, but it does the same damage as a slide attack and is much more difficult to pull off.

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Slightly off the subject, where on earth are North Wind mods? I haven't seen one yet, but I've gotten both Molten Impact and Shocking Touch several times.


Ontopic: Yes, it would be nice to have melee buffed. I've always had a soft spot for melee, and there are some things in melee now that are just not practical for the amount of effort taken, like the wallrun + melee. Flashy, but it does the same damage as a slide attack and is much more difficult to pull off.

although off topic I will answer for you. basically since cold damage has a D polarity it has equal chances to drop everywhere, meaning you could get it at any time. the down side is there is no faction/mission you can farm to make it more likely to show up for you, sorry for the not so happy response, but if you just keep trucking you will get it eventually. I only just got mine today (well the one im keeping, I had plenty before the extreme mod drop nerf lol)

Edited by Nogarde
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Aren't melee weapons supposed to be inferior to guns?

I mean seriously? Is anyone nowadays fighting wars with swords/melee?

I'm just glad we have the option

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Aren't melee weapons supposed to be inferior to guns?

I mean seriously? Is anyone nowadays fighting wars with swords/melee?

I'm just glad we have the option

Using real life reasons to make up for something like this in a video game (designed to be a break from reality) is garbage. if you want realism go back to your battlefield or CoD or w/e.

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I don't really want to see melee get buffed. This is a coop focused game and when your running a level with players who just sprint in and hack everything to death it's really no fun. You want to be able to solo kill everything with your sword, but it's a coop game, everything dies in no time when you have two or three teammates hacking away with you. Besides people are already crying that the game is too hard. Buffing melee to compare with guns would vindicate them (though I already feel they are right)


You'd have to direct me to a thread where people are complaining the game is too hard.  I guess I usually miss them.


I also don't think melee needs a buff and this is coming from a guy that will go an entire mission without ever firing a shot.  I wall run, slide dash, and jump slam attack frequently probably more than I fire my main weapons and it's amazing. 


Slap on 150% extra charge damage 60% faster charge speed on a Gram, Scindo, or Hammer (always forget the hammer's name) along with any elemental damage which scales with your charge attack you're easily hitting well over 600 EVERY attack that takes a second to charge and will kill an entire group in one swing, unless it's a "heavy" variety.


Really?  Buffed?  What?  You have to RUN between every person you want to kill, of course it's not going to be as effective as attacking from a distance. 


I can already solo everything effortlessly with guns, why shouldn't I be able to do the same with swords if I choose to specialize in it? Your example doesn't even really make sense anyway. If you're playing with decent players with well modded guns, everything will be dead before you can even reach melee distance. That's why I think the damage for guns should be lowered rather than melee buffed, the game is way too easy when using properly modded guns at the moment.


The game is pretty easy with a properly modded melee weapon.  What really needs to happen is there NEED to be enemies that are incredibly dangerous to stay at range from forcing players to close the distance to melee.


I.E. mortar type enemy that shoots deadly explosives that is resistant to bullets but vulnerable to melee.  It's the same concept with a kevlar vest, they can stop bullets but you can still stab through them with a knife or nail gun.


That's a better solution than buffing or nerfing anything else.


Using real life reasons to make up for something like this in a video game (designed to be a break from reality) is garbage. if you want realism go back to your battlefield or CoD or w/e.


Yes, we should never use real life reason for anything ever and draw exclusively on our imaginations and cyber experiences, ayup.


Since we're suspending realism I want to be able to fly and shoot rockets out of my feet.  And I want there to be no ammo, that realism totally breaks the game immersion for me and is such garbage.


As well as buffing melee, utter clap trap.  You should go back to My Little Pony or whatever fantasy land you choose to inhabit.  /s


Really though, his reasoning is just as rational as yours.

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yea... Melee is really fun, nothing beats the felling of slicing your enemies and send them flying.



It is and on this note... It'd be nice if our bullets didn't always get blocked by our sword frenzy teammeates. Soo many arrows have been wasted :<

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I haven't noticed rifles being stronger than melee myself, shotguns perhaps but not rifles. Swinging my Gram will one hit 3/4 enemies at once whereas it takes my gun quite a few shots to take down that same enemy (both are the same level and have similar mods). Also if the melee weapon doesn't kill it at least staggers the enemy making the next hit guaranteed.

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You'd have to direct me to a thread where people are complaining the game is too hard.  I guess I usually miss them.


I also don't think melee needs a buff and this is coming from a guy that will go an entire mission without ever firing a shot.  I wall run, slide dash, and jump slam attack frequently probably more than I fire my main weapons and it's amazing. 


Slap on 150% extra charge damage 60% faster charge speed on a Gram, Scindo, or Hammer (always forget the hammer's name) along with any elemental damage which scales with your charge attack you're easily hitting well over 600 EVERY attack that takes a second to charge and will kill an entire group in one swing, unless it's a "heavy" variety.


Really?  Buffed?  What?  You have to RUN between every person you want to kill, of course it's not going to be as effective as attacking from a distance. 



The game is pretty easy with a properly modded melee weapon.  What really needs to happen is there NEED to be enemies that are incredibly dangerous to stay at range from forcing players to close the distance to melee.


I.E. mortar type enemy that shoots deadly explosives that is resistant to bullets but vulnerable to melee.  It's the same concept with a kevlar vest, they can stop bullets but you can still stab through them with a knife or nail gun.


That's a better solution than buffing or nerfing anything else.



Yes, we should never use real life reason for anything ever and draw exclusively on our imaginations and cyber experiences, ayup.


Since we're suspending realism I want to be able to fly and shoot rockets out of my feet.  And I want there to be no ammo, that realism totally breaks the game immersion for me and is such garbage.


As well as buffing melee, utter clap trap.  You should go back to My Little Pony or whatever fantasy land you choose to inhabit.  /s


Really though, his reasoning is just as rational as yours.

1. Learn to read. (says very clearly IN. THIS. SITUATION. As in NOT every situation.)  2. take your rage, sarcasm, and insult filled posts elsewhere we don't want them. 3. the point of this thread is NOT whether something should be nerfed or buffed or added or removed. this thread is about the very large gap in numbers on mods between melee and ranged weaponry (and the elemental mods on melee) and wanting to find out why said gap is there.

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