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Some suggestions for future


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So my suggestions are prolly for the future after release or close to release when priority things like, more maps, anemies, weapons and such are introduced. I'll try to make this as short as possible with giving as much information as possible, so here we go.

1. Alien mode (or you can call it how you want it). So its basically you see someone doing game online or even let see private games and you can join their game, but you choose the enemy type lets say expoding zombie or grinner (forgot how they are called) footman, you appear in the map where the player plays and you play as the enemy, you try to defeat players or atleast do some damage. The more damage you do the more exp you earn as the monster thus leveling that monster and gaining exp which you can spend on some hp boost, armor and such, plus you could get one extra skill like grinner gets granade, then you can upgrade it to be one of the four (two grande perk, poisoning granade, flashbang granade, or power absorbing granade), or lets say you are playing the exploding zombie the perks could be (you explode way faster then regular, you explode with poisonous cloud, you explode with bigger damage, your explosion stuns the player for lets say 2sec's or w/e number you want). And so on. Second you let players play as a boss if that map has one, but.. You know what is the point for the players that are playing the game normally well it adds diversity, more challenge and more fun..i guess. But talking about bosses if the player wants to play as a boss there should be a pop up asking the players playing the game normally if they allow the boss to be controlled by the player (and yea most of the time players wont let it because it will make the game harder) but wait what if the guy playing boss could offer something like 100k his own credits or 10-60platinum (his own) for the players if they defeat him, hmm? Sweet more rewards, guys lets let him play as the boss, we might win platinum or w/e. Ok but what is the point to the guy playing robot? Well he will have some fun killing players plus you could make some kind of ranking (etc. playing as the boss: how many vitctories vs players, losses and such, so people can brag about how good they are).

2. Modable warframe parts. This is something like armor pieces, you can modify your looks by changing minor details of your warframe, lets say add some kind of jetpack to your back or smth like that (adding some aditional bonuses to your warframe plus making people look different if they lets say add some kind of little wings to their legs or back).

So you ask me how this gonna earn money for the company? Easy, let people have 2 monster slots only, so they can only level up two monsters at the time if they want more they have to buy slots or delete the previous one (losing exp and such) and leveling new one from zero, plus boss encounters people could wage platinum, lose it, win it. Third those modable warframe parts could have different looks and such.

Tnx for reading, and sorry for some lack of info, but i think this would improve gameplay by a lot.

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Hey, got linked to this in my thread over at https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/2934-sug-compilation-of-feedback-ideas-and-suggestions/ and thought it was a really good idea. I've incorporated a version into my thread and given credit to you. Here's what I put in my thread, hope that's ok!

Another alternative is something akin to Left 4 Deads Versus mode - where players form normal lobbys where they do the missions as standard, but there is a check to allow players in enemy slots. This would allow other people to join games as members of the opposing faction (Grineer, Corpus, Infected) and fight against the Tenno players as they attempt to perform their objective. I don't think there should be levelling of enemy units, like you have with your Warframes, it's just something you can hop into for a break from the norm and a bit of fun. You'd play as normal grunts (respawning as another when that one was killed), with the chance to spawn as one of the heavy units, etc. This would add an unknown element to PvE play, as well as cater - without any balance issues - to PvP play as well.

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