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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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6 hours ago, Geoxin said:

I wish to join the clan. Geoxin. Active player


6 hours ago, GeneralTitties said:

Hey hey looking to join. Been playing for awhile and am still grinding away to mastery rank. IGN GeneralTitties.


5 hours ago, AirStrife said:

Hi I've been absent for quite a while but recently came back with a few more warframe slots and more motivation to play. IGN is AirStrife

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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4 hours ago, FishTankUltraDeluxe said:

Hello, FishTankUltraDeluxe here! I'm interested in joining a clan, yours specifically. I'm playing pretty regularly with people I know, and I personally am looking to become more active in Warframe. Are you guys still actively recruiting?

If we ever stopped recruiting, it would probably be mentioned in the OP in all caps right at the top or something.

Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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Hi ...

I'm interested in joining Asuro

I've been playing since December 2015, but took a few months off during the summer. I've been back since September and play daily. I'm MR 20 and think I have a decent handle on the game, but am always willing to learn more :)

Look forward to hearing from you.

IGN: JeetKunDo

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1 hour ago, JeetKunDo said:

Hi ...

I'm interested in joining Asuro

I've been playing since December 2015, but took a few months off during the summer. I've been back since September and play daily. I'm MR 20 and think I have a decent handle on the game, but am always willing to learn more :)

Look forward to hearing from you.

IGN: JeetKunDo


1 hour ago, Jay3172 said:

I want to join! 

IGN: Jay3172

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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IGN :  God0fW4r 

mastery rank: close to 5

New player, but i rly like this game and am so into it. Am playing few hours daily

Idd like to join your clan because i want to learn from veteran players

I was in one clan but it was dead and i leave it

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9 hours ago, God0fW4r said:

IGN :  God0fW4r 

mastery rank: close to 5

New player, but i rly like this game and am so into it. Am playing few hours daily

Idd like to join your clan because i want to learn from veteran players

I was in one clan but it was dead and i leave it

Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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