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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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1 minute ago, tahrial said:


I am a casual player looking for decent people to experience some of the group content (vault runs, farming, raiding ...) with. I would like to join your clan!

IGN: tahrial

People don't usually do vault runs anymore. Raids are buggy, but even when they worked properly there weren't that many groups going on. 

Invite sent. See for yourself if the clan suits you.

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Hi, I would like to join the clan, because of the experiences you can get in it,

I am more of a casual gamer and I made this 3rd account a short time ago and I am therefore

not on a very high level (Mystery Rank 3) but I am active and I am trying to continue to

level up and play.

IGN: Kamichalik.    -- (Include the .)

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4 minutes ago, Kamichalik. said:

Hi, I would like to join the clan, because of the experiences you can get in it,

I am more of a casual gamer and I made this 3rd account a short time ago and I am therefore

not on a very high level (Mystery Rank 3) but I am active and I am trying to continue to

level up and play.

IGN: Kamichalik.    -- (Include the .)

Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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Hello, I used to be a very active member of this clan. I had taken a very long break from Warframe due to burnout and unfortunately this resulted in me being kicked for inactivity. I recently started playing again and would very much like to rejoin this wonderful clan and hang out with some of the coolest people I have met in this game (if they still play).


IGN: DazDaSpazz

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13 minutes ago, DazDaSpazz said:

Hello, I used to be a very active member of this clan. I had taken a very long break from Warframe due to burnout and unfortunately this resulted in me being kicked for inactivity. I recently started playing again and would very much like to rejoin this wonderful clan and hang out with some of the coolest people I have met in this game (if they still play).


IGN: DazDaSpazz

I member! Welcome back.

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Hey! I'm not sure if I can apply to join the ALLIANCE here or not, but I'm gonna try!

My clan's name is _Berserker_ (Yes with the underscores) and we're itching to join a community that's larger than us.

The Warlord is me, Metronome. 


If this is the wrong place to apply, please tell me! 

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7 hours ago, Metronome said:

Hey! I'm not sure if I can apply to join the ALLIANCE here or not, but I'm gonna try!

My clan's name is _Berserker_ (Yes with the underscores) and we're itching to join a community that's larger than us.

The Warlord is me, Metronome. 


If this is the wrong place to apply, please tell me! 

It's cool. Invite sent.

6 hours ago, FriendlyxD1 said:

Hi, I am looking for a great clan. I want to join Asuro! My ign is FriendlyxD1. Thank you!

Invit sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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11 hours ago, Kylar said:

Ill join.

Leave your current clan and reapply if you're still interested.

8 hours ago, _Captain_Morgan_ said:

I'd like to join in. _Captain_Morgan_ is my in game tag.


13 minutes ago, Blydde said:

Please invite me IGN Blydde

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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