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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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3 hours ago, Eat_Lazers said:

I would like to join. IGN: Eat_Lazers


3 hours ago, Villikko said:

I would like to join. I have been playing about a week. Great game. In game name is:  Villikko.

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

Edited by blackgu4rd
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7 hours ago, Shijaku said:

I would like to join your humble clan. ~Shijaku


2 hours ago, Trixter said:

Hey, another new guy. I want in!

IGN: Trixter


2 hours ago, Orthadox said:

Hey there,

New player here; want to join a clan, this one seems good. Could I get an invite?

IGN Orthadox

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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Ladies and Gentlemen of Asuro Clan:

Hi there, I just just received an informal invitation to join ur clan by Ofir,

looks like a great clan and a fun group of people to hang out with 

It'd be a honor to role with u all :)

Name's JJTang315

I play almost daily, though just for 1 our 2 hours 


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1 hour ago, JJTang315 said:

Ladies and Gentlemen of Asuro Clan:

Hi there, I just just received an informal invitation to join ur clan by Ofir,

looks like a great clan and a fun group of people to hang out with 

It'd be a honor to role with u all :)

Name's JJTang315

I play almost daily, though just for 1 our 2 hours 


Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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