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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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7 hours ago, blackgu4rd said:

You are already in a clan. Leave your current clan and reapply if you're still interested.

I have left.

Hi Sirs

I would like to join your clan. Currently MR7

IGN: IchBinButter


Edited by IchBinButter
adding info for reference
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7 hours ago, Cosinus. said:

I want to join. IGN: "Cosinus."


7 hours ago, TheNightwielder said:


A lone Tenno searches for a clan. I´m playing for about a month now but I´m quite fond of the game :)

I would be honored to join Asuro

IGN: TheNightwielder



1 hour ago, honny78 said:

Hello, I'm new to Warframe and I would like to join your clan

IGN: honny78


Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

Edited by blackgu4rd
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