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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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3 minutes ago, NSDramiro said:

MY ign is NSDramiro mr:9 i play almost every day.

Mainly casual player, i'd be very happy if i could joi your clan

You are already in a clan. Leave your current clan and reapply if you're still interested.

4 hours ago, Eliron666 said:


I'd love to join your clan :)

IGN: Eliron666

MR 3


2 hours ago, sasliks00 said:

would love to join
IGN: sasliks00

MR: 19


40 minutes ago, .Salem. said:


I'd love to join Asuro too :)

IGN: .Salem.

MR: 5

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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10 hours ago, Darkblue006 said:

hope to get back in the guild I've been away for some time. starting up again I'll be hunting down war frames .. 13 to go. 


Please invite


9 hours ago, Darsiel said:

Hi, if it's still possible, then I'd like to join your clan since Im looking for a good community of people.

IGN: Darsiel


Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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Hi im reaplying for the clan, at the time i applyed i had been informed that anyoine with a mr rank bellow 10 would be expelled from my clan.

right now i dont have a clan anymore so i would like to know if i could join.

My IGN is NSDramiro and im mr 9

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1 hour ago, NSDramiro said:

Hi im reaplying for the clan, at the time i applyed i had been informed that anyoine with a mr rank bellow 10 would be expelled from my clan.

right now i dont have a clan anymore so i would like to know if i could join.

My IGN is NSDramiro and im mr 9


Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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Are you guys still recruiting? If so I would love to be part of your clan!

IGN: DarkGamer0206
MR: 4

I'm trying to quickly level up my mastery and get better loot. I would also appreciate if I could have some tips and tricks for a newbie like me.

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7 hours ago, DarkGamer0206 said:

Are you guys still recruiting? If so I would love to be part of your clan!

IGN: DarkGamer0206
MR: 4

I'm trying to quickly level up my mastery and get better loot. I would also appreciate if I could have some tips and tricks for a newbie like me.


4 hours ago, axjo1008 said:

Please invite me im lonley... axjo1008, pretty new player who seeks a new game and i think i found it =)

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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