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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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44 minutes ago, Gabry_96 said:

I'd like to join the clan!

MR19, IGN Gabry_96


24 minutes ago, Ascocrist said:

Hey there!

My IGN is Ascocrist, a fairly new player under the wings of Vellulvl and lovesz. I'd love to join your clan, if you'll have me.

Thanks in advance!

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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3 hours ago, bobbypie2 said:



my ign is bobbypie2, I would like to join your clan if you still have room for more players. I have a few frames and a few weapons in each category.


Thanks for recruiting.

Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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Hi there,

I've got 3 friends belonging to your clan who convinced me to play the game. I'd love to join you as well.
MR5 enjoying Nekros for now.

IGN: Dbleyou

Looking forward to play along new people.

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7 hours ago, Volkodiak said:



i'am mastery 4 and soon 5, i have 3 warframes, my main is Rhino,

And i'd like to join you,

IGN : Volkodiak


Thanks in advance


7 hours ago, ibiza6 said:

I would like to join your clan. :)


Mastery: 11

Warframes: 18

Main: Ash Prime

IGN: ibiza6


Looking foward to your invite.


6 hours ago, Wenwolf said:

Hi there,

I've got 3 friends belonging to your clan who convinced me to play the game. I'd love to join you as well.
MR5 enjoying Nekros for now.

IGN: Dbleyou

Looking forward to play along new people.


4 hours ago, GetTwisted said:

Hi I would like to join MR 7 soon to be 8. IGN: GetTwisted 


1 hour ago, OnsorPanjom said:

Hi, I would like to join your clan. IGN : OnsorPanjom

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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