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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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4 hours ago, Marabitos said:

I have become somewhat active again. GM founder, mastery 14, was a member in the past and went MIA due to medical reasons. IGN Marabitos


4 hours ago, LT.Satisfactory said:

IGN: LT.Satisfactory

 no current clan. MR11 I think.


2 hours ago, Malfeas99 said:

Got my feet under me and ready to join a Clan for fun and profit.


IGN: Malfeas99

MR: 5, almost 6.




2 hours ago, Prokurent said:

Just a player looking to join a nice clan, I'm on very frequently and willing to help!

IGN: Prokurent



5 minutes ago, Bauhaus1919 said:

Friendly player looking to join! I would love to join your clan. Thank you

IGN: Bauhaus1919

Looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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