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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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4 hours ago, juraseven said:

IGN: juraseven

Age: 24

MR: 8


4 hours ago, mart158k123 said:

I would like to join this clan. My IGN is: mart158k123. I´m only MR 4 but eh xD. 




2 hours ago, Furia-Buia said:

hi , i would like to join your clan

IGN: furia.buia


Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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5 hours ago, ClaraTehKitty said:

Some little birdies told me this clan is super fun and awesome, and I'd love to join :3 

IGN: ClaraTehKitty

MR: 8


3 hours ago, eon_floox said:

Hi, I started playing yesterday and I would like to join your clan.


1 hour ago, Don_SancheZ said:

IGN: Don_SancheZ
MR: 5

committed Rhino at your service!

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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