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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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Good Day/Evening, My IGN is Ezageima and I've been playing for a bit more than 2 weeks for now, And I'm a maxed out Mag and currently leveling Trinity. I'm playing at least one hour per day, unless my studies do not allow that. I'm always up for some missions if someone needs a hand or just wants to get a full group. I currently have no interest in playing competitively, but i might pick that up later on as I get better. Currently I'm just playing casually for fun. 

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23 minutes ago, Ezageima said:

Good Day/Evening, My IGN is Ezageima and I've been playing for a bit more than 2 weeks for now, And I'm a maxed out Mag and currently leveling Trinity. I'm playing at least one hour per day, unless my studies do not allow that. I'm always up for some missions if someone needs a hand or just wants to get a full group. I currently have no interest in playing competitively, but i might pick that up later on as I get better. Currently I'm just playing casually for fun. 

Invite sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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9 hours ago, jonxdixon said:

Hello I just started and am looking for a clan to help me get further along. Thanks for the consideration. 

Name: Jonxdixon 


4 hours ago, Node_js said:

Hey could I get an invite please, looking to be more active within the community.

IGN: Node_js

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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3 hours ago, Shinigami_Ghost said:

Hello :)

I would love to join your clan.

I am a new active Tenno. I have just started Warframe and I am already mastery rank 5. I would love to be of help to other players. I have 2 friends in your clan that introduced me to Warframe and I think its an amazing game.


Thanks :)


Leave your current clan and reapply.

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12 hours ago, Pepeogr said:

IGN : Pepeogr

I'm a returning player, MR10 looking for an active clan and community of people to play with, and your clan seems like the perfect one for me.


11 hours ago, IONLEO said:

can u plz invite me to your clan

IONLEO hope u invite me 


8 hours ago, g3ntlemen said:

I stopped playing the game for like 8 or so months and was removed for inactivity. I'm starting to get back into the game and would appreciate it if I could rejoin. Thanks!

IGN: g3ntlemen

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

Edited by blackgu4rd
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