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Asuro - We Are Tenno, We Are One. [Recruiting]


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Hi members of Asuro,

i'm looking for a mature and casual clan. i've been filtered out from previous clan from not being online often,

however i came back and using warframe as my way to relax again. i'm looking for a fresh start in different community.

IGN: MattyTheNutty

Rank: 20

Player since August 2013

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11 hours ago, blackgu4rd said:

kkingthe1st and and polardeus : leave your current clans and reapply if you're still interested.

Invites successfully sent to everybody else. Welcome to Asuro.

heyya sorry bout that..im still interested,can u invite me again please..would love to join :)

IGN: polardeus

MR: 12

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2 minutes ago, polardeus said:

heyya sorry bout that..im still interested,can u invite me again please..would love to join :)

IGN: polardeus

MR: 12

Game still says you're in a clan. You can only be in one clan at any given time. Make sure you leave your clan before applying again.

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6 hours ago, Egregious_Name_Here said:

I'll join, ign name is Egregious_Name_Here. MR8, but this is my second account, primary was almost MR15. Thanks!


43 minutes ago, Leitwolf101 said:

If it is still possible I would like to join.

IGN: Leitwolf101


Thank you!

Invites sent. Welcome to Asuro.

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