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Warframe - Spider Frame suggestion


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Just wanted to post some thoughts on a Frame idea. I heard the devs are working on adding wall-run and such or this could be false information. Anyway I was thinking about how cool it would be if you could jump off walls and pop several Grineers before landing or wall-running into a fight before devastating the group with Overload or Radial Devastation, then I had this image in my head.

What if they made a Frame that took on the design and concept of a spider? Something like the Iron Spider suit that Spider-Man wore during the Civil War in Marvel. Mechanical legs that protudes from the back and skills that worked around that aspect of the Frame. Maybe more powerful jumps or a leaping attack, maybe the legs are self-aware and could deflect bullets or melee attacks with a given chance? I haven't thought too much on what the Frame would be focused on.

Anyway I just wanted to voice out on the idea and if the devs are reading then hey, even better right?

Just thought of some skills. And for simplicity let's just call the Frame "Venom" for now. Also not to be sexist but it would be cool if the Frame was male since almost every game portays spider-like characters as females.

1. Eight Legged

Venom gets on all eight before leaping a great distance to pin down the target

2. Climber

Grants Venom to climb on any surface and stick to any surface for a duration. Venom retains the ability to attack or use other skills.

3. Spider Bite

Venom violently bites an enemy and absorbs a small amount of health with his fangs.

4. The Brood

Venom forms a cocoon that explodes, unleashing a swarm of spider-like creatures that latch onto their targets causing them to panic before exploding.

Edited by Merciris
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Nice suggestion, but I can tell you (design council) that we're currently voting on what to put into the game next, and new warframes are low on list of priorities.

Maybe in the future something like that, but not soon I'm afraid.

Glad to have you on the forums though, always a good thing to have creative minds in a community.

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Nice suggestion, but I can tell you (design council) that we're currently voting on what to put into the game next, and new warframes are low on list of priorities.

Maybe in the future something like that, but not soon I'm afraid.

Glad to have you on the forums though, always a good thing to have creative minds in a community.

Thanks. I don't mind waiting for new Frames and there are definitely other more important content to be added.

Yeah hopefully, wouldn't mind waiting.

Haha, thanks again.

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