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Manapool (Top 10 In Cryotic & Gate Crash Events) - Looking For Friendly, Teamwork Focused Tenno


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Greeting, Tenno.


We are a Shadow Clan filled with enthusiastic, friendly and helpful players. Our members hail from all over the world, ranging from Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Africa and all the way to the frozen plains of Canada.


We pride ourselves in providing a fair, enjoyable and competitive Warframe gaming experience for all our members. We achieve this by ensuring the members of our clan work together to achieve mutual goals and by ensuring we maintain a positive and pleasant atmosphere within the clan. Membership of our Clan is a privilege and never a right.


  • friendlypleasant atmosphere.
  • Access to all content.
  • We help you to be successful and well geared.
  • A fully developed Clan Dojo.
  • We’re an integral part of an active alliance, Project Pandemonium. You will have access to a large number of people to play with.
  • Our clan host both an active Clan as well as the Alliance Teamspeak Server.
  • A Clan Website filled with general advice, builds, tips and an in-clan trade section.


  • Loyalty: Stick with your clan through both good and hard times.
  • Activity: Play at least 1-2x per week (on average). Let us know if you’re going on holiday!
  • Maturity: Don’t be an arse.
  • Friendly: Help other members, both with advice and missions.
  • Generosity: Contribute Resources to Solar Rail projects and trade mods/items with your fellow clan members.
  • Community: Be an active part of the Clan Chat, Clan Website/Forums and Teamspeak! Be part of the community and get involved.

Why ManaPool?

There are a ton of clans out there, why should you pick us. Besides for the reasons mentioned above, here are a few other things which sets us apart:


  • We care about our members.
  • We run the clan with two Warlords, not just one. We work in your interest, not just ours.
  • Our Warlords have a tremendous amount of experience running clans, having ran successful top-ranking and top-performing clans in a multitude of games.
  • We have the resources to support our community. Be it servers, design experience, or otherwise.
  • We have some excellent players within the clan, who are there to help you get to the same level. To illustrate this, this is the result of the recent Cryotic and Gate Crash Events:




  • Whilst all clans will say this, we do believe we have an awesome logo, and an even more awesome dojo. No random litter here, we carefully decorate so that exploring and relaxing in our dojo is a pleasant experience. Here's a map:



  • Here's a run through in
    . (Unedited, raw footage.)
  • We have a great, well-planned Clan structure which allows you to advance through the ranks based on participation and merit, for those who are into that kind of thing.

How Do I Join?

Simply head over to our clan website, and fill out the application form. It takes about 30 seconds at the most. We'll drop you an invite at the earliest opportunity, and we try to do so on a daily basis.


As an added bonus, it allows us to accept you right there, which automatically grants you access to the private parts of our website, which is filled with information you'll find very useful.


You could also hook up with us in-game, but since you'll ultimately end up on the site/forums anyway, you may as well sort it from the beginning!

Edited by Evil.Tactician
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Please note - if you're brand new to the game, things may be a little overwhelming. I would strongly recommend once joining, you contact one of the clan leaders and go from there.


Some of our members can be extremely enthusiastic in helping new players, but they may throw an overload of information your way - which you may not yet be ready for. If you contact Lachrymosity or myself, we'll sort out some calm 1 on 1 help, or a squad where we can focus on getting you through some of your early questions.


We work hard on helping people develop from new players to an integral part of our clan, all we ask is that you're polite, friendly and eventually extend the same courtesy to other people. :)

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We only have a few spots left.


Please note: You absolutely must be interested in doing the in-game events. The newest one has hit slightly earlier than we expected, so all our members have to work 50% harder to make up for that.


We're currently also implementing a reward structure for our members, which directly rewards their involvement in the clan by earning points which can be redeemed for in-game items, such as rare mods and prime warframes.


We may not be a huge clan, but we sure as hell care about our members.

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We moved up a tier to Shadow Clans and despite being heavily understaffed with only 21 people who qualified for giving us points for the event, we still ended 7th on the Leaderboards.


Excellent achievement from all core members, extremely proud.


The OP will be updated accordingly when I have some time to do so!

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