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My Thoughts On The User Interface So Far.


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  • Chat window shouldn't have a fixed size and the user should have the option to change the font size.

  • Grey out unavailable items and display why they cannot currently be unlocked (clicking on Rhino and being told about some mystical level cap no one has told me about before isn't helpful).

  • When equiping mods, show how the weapons stats are affected. Color the changed value yellow and display details when hovering the mouse over it.

  • In the warframe part of the basic arsenal UI, mark those abilities not activated. I was confused at first when my Warframe couldn't use any of it's native powers until I found out that I must implant mods to get them to function.

  • Split warframe and weapons into completely separate tabs. This way you can cut the submenus down (not having to click on the warframe to change mods, change colors and such. Instead you get it all in one). The "Warframes" tab from the inventory could also be moved there, making selecting and managing a bit easier.

  • Mark items that can be sold in the inventory with a Credits symbol, make them sorteable and enlarge the section. Once again: Give it it's own tab. The more space the better.

  • Add a small"In Progress" section on the left in the Foundry. Hovering over it displays the time until completion. Should make it easier on the eyes for the hardcore farmers who are constantly shoveling blueprints in there :P

  • Allow drag and drop with already purchased items in the Inventory section.


  • Allow sorting the weapons by type. Or better: Just categorize everything. Open up a category and there you go.

  • The "Get Platinum" tab...My god it is annoying. Everytime I want to click Equipment, accidentally hitting that thing and getting thrown out of the game fills me with so much hate. Implement an ingame browser or put in a popup asking if I really want to go to the Platinum purchase page.

  • The Blueprints need their own tab. The helmets need their own tab. The ammo and health pickups need their own tab et cetera.


  • The unexplored areas of the map are currently rather hard to see at my screen settings. The red fades into the dark background and is hard to make out.

  • The map should reflect where the character is in relation to the amount of floors the current tile has. If I'm on the top floor, show only that. Being on the lower level shows that. Also: display elevators.

  • The moment an enemy is spotted by a player his position should be briefly visible to everyone. This is going to speed up the fights and make communication between players easier. I think.

  • Allow me to deactivate the missions intros. If the host says they dont want them, no one sees them.

  • Display what amount of energy each power needs. My memory is terrible, so I have not yet been able to hammer the exact power useages into my head.

  • Display the extraction and mission goal areas. A logo or different color coding. Extraction = Green. Mission goal = Blue.

  • Status effects need unique icons. If I have a roller on me in a position where it is hard to see I only get the hit marker. I usually just start rolling around like a crazy person, because I have no idea if I have one of those nasty things on me or if some douchenozzle is shooting at me from across the room (Beta, so the sound or AI might be bugging out, one can hardly be sure).

  • Weapons that deal elemental damage also should receive an icon (I can't remember right now if this is already ingame, sleepy and all).




And on the customization (TF2 player here. I love hats)

  • More helmets. Different armor sets. A tattoo editor. Taunts. There's so much money in this.


Going to add more as I come across it, etc.




Removed one thing, it was stupid.




Added more stuff to the mockup.

Edited by Twasta
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protip: Hit the spacebar to skip intro cinematics...


They are working on the UI - hopefully we see some improvements in update 8. You make a lot of valid suggestions, so have many others - hopefully they've been listening.


They have said, specifically mentioning TF2 that they don't want to use the hat funding model. I agree, though, that their ticket to money is more cosmetic stuff. In their faq, though, they say, "The research we've done shows that the vast majority of players who can support the game are after value and convenience more than costume changes."


BUT! They have also said in live casts that they are working on more skins and helmets. 

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protip: Hit the spacebar to skip intro cinematics...


I know. But adding in an option to deactivate  them altogether would save a few seconds. It's a convenience thing. In a game primarily about combat the intro sequences strike me as a hindrance, since I want to get to the meat of the game.

Also, I love how the airducts that the Warframes enter through aren't even there on some maps. Makes me wonder why Trinity is hauling an airduct cover around with her.


They have said, specifically mentioning TF2 that they don't want to use the hat funding model. I agree, though, that their ticket to money is more cosmetic stuff. In their faq, though, they say, "The research we've done shows that the vast majority of players who can support the game are after value and convenience more than costume changes."


BUT! They have also said in live casts that they are working on more skins and helmets. 


Kind of odd. Team Fortress 2 appears to be as successful as it is specifically because of the cosmetic items. I personally have spend about dozens of Euros on keys in the hopes of getting an unusual, because I, just like most people, want my warframe to be unique in appearance. But then: I probably have narcissistic tendencies :P

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