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Boring AI speech...always the same O.o


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In my oppinion, I would like to add "more" speech options to AI. It's like you already know what is "she" going to say for player's next objective.

For example: instead of "aaand found it" put "scanning...key pass found. I've marked it for you"... and more...

- for all enemy types add like: "Enemy inbound", "Enemy reinforcements ahead", "I'm detecting more infested, Greniers, machines, they're at you any second..." and more...

- every time, instead of: "I'm detecting enemy forces ahead. It's the Grenier." Just instead of "it's the Grenier" put something like "More Greniers on your way" or sth...

- If there are alot infested incoming, put "Overwhelming infested ahead" or sth...

- then sometimes instead of "Make none of them stand alive(or how does she already say it)" put like "Wipe them all out" and "Clean the vessel", "Kill them all, let no one flee"... and more...

- When that timer shows besides map, add like: "Objectives completed(if they are), head to extraction(or exit) point before time goes 0", "...get out of there", "Job's done. Time to leave this place."... and more

- add more options on the end when the job's done instead of boring "Excellent work Teeno" add more: "God job, let's go home. ," Great job Teeno, that's how it's done." ,"Execellent, that will stop them for a while", "Good work gentlemen, you took care of it"....

- When you kill first mob and you are detected, add: "You're detected, go on loud", "...Protect yourself", "They know you're here, make sure you dont fail" ... and more...

-when it's: "Something's wrong, I'm detecting heavy assault", make sure that she specify's enemy type "Heavy (bomber) incoming, watch yourself", "Infested's Toxicant(s) on your way, watch it"...

- And also add more options for the objectives(when she's going to say your primary,secondary task)...

+ "Your primary objective is to neutralize enemy forces on this ship" ...

+ then when we need to protect the core: "Protect the core at all costs. Don't let the enemy destroy it."...

+ When the relic is picked up: "Ok, leave this place now,(at once)"...

+ To destroy core: "Your task is to destroy the core, go."...

+ for boss Assassination: "All you need to do now is to go find that boss and neutralize him,(stop him),(kill him)..."

+ For capture: "I've detected the target you need to capture. First don't let it flee, second-neutralize and third-capture. Go on Teeno."

Correct me if I'm wrong somewhere. Now I don't know what to add more, but everyone can say and add his suggestion to make that AI guide more rich with speech, so that we don't usually hear the default...(if you guys agree with me) ^_^

Edited by Spy_BlazerX
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they can add more..but the problem is they will always run it's course...

my point is..pre-set sounds will always get boring...because they are pre-set...

I don't know if there are a way around this (adding ALOT of pre-sets might help..like different voice tone and stuff for every speach)

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