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Gryphus Tech Corporation Storyline + Marauder Of Peace


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About the story: I wrote that as a story for my clan and it's relations in the warframe storyline, it has some elements of the warframe lore but it isn't the lore.


This is Storyline Section


Gryphus Tech Corporation, back in the Orokin era was a technological manufacturer of some Orokin technology. The infested created by the Orokin were in fact half created by the Corporation that used most of their R&D to fund their secret weapon. The Stalker. The Stalker was a peacekeeping warframe designed to keep infestation away from Orokin era civilians. This peace keeper was in some sort a "Police Officer". The Stalkers were mass produced when the Orokin gouvernement decided to fund Gryphus Tech Corporation's secret R&D.


The Infested were very effective at infecting sentients species known as humans in this time. They were useless against the infestation that ravaged their outposts one after the another. The only survivors that survived until today were the grineer that hid themselves underground on Earth until the Infestation dissapeared.


GTC Council managed to control some Stalker suits in doing "bounty hunts" for them by infecting them with infestation tissues. Those Stalkers were the dark ones, feared by most, they were considered criminals by the Orokin gouvernement.


The great Plague came closer and closer to the Orokin homeland, as the peace keepers were infested one by one, Gryphus Tech Corporation grew a gigantic army from those infested suits.


Fearing that GTC would rebel against them, the gouvernement decided to send armed forces into their HQ. The civilian workers were evacuated but no signs of the CEO of the Corporation once know as Powerhalo.


Without the peace keeper stalkers, the Orokin got overmanned by the Infested. Those who didn't get Infested got brutally eaten by the Infested chargers. As the Orokin fell, Gryphus Tech Corporation held their most important members in a camouflaged base on Mercury, far from the Infested and the Orokin homeland which is now known as Earth.


They developed a Artificial Intelligence called the Lotus who would wake them up when they were needed. Because of their transfer into the digital state that could make them "upload" themselves into different Warframes and make them immortal, they lost all memories of their life. Frozen in cryopods, those who were once Orokin became Tenno, floating in psace until Lotus wakes them up.


Gryphus Tech Corporation, without any memories of how to control the Stalkers, were hunted by those they once controlled. The Grineer, the Corpus and the Infested found a way to control those once bounty hunters into enemies seeking to get revenge on the Tennos.


The Corporation has been re-founded by it's CEO now known as Gryphticon. GTC has started R&D of the new Stalker controller now in the current era. After controlling one Stalker test subject, the Corporation decided that they must manufacture the controllers. But one thing blocks their path, the AsurO clan, previously Orokin now Tenno due to unknown events. They thought the Corporation was evil and wanted to destroy the Tenno race.


With their brave thoughts in their head, AsurO's leader PdxDubin launched a campaign to rally Tenno forces to attack GTC. The Corproation, in larger number defended their HQ efficiently using the latest in Tenno technology. AsurO defeated rallied on Mercury where they planned their massive invasion of the GTC HQ.


Using state-of-the-art stolen Grineer tanks, AsurO clan launched a final attack, the fall of the HQ was assured. This wasn't the final battle, that HQ was just a decoy to finish their new Warframes, Saryn and Banshee.


The AsurO clan, victorious of the HQ battle felt something was wrong, from the mist of the HQ, a mysterious figure appeared, that one was never seen before. It was the Banshee warframe, banshee using her powers made the ground tumble and stunning AsurO allies and members.


AsurO also had a decoy. From the other side appeared a army of elites ready to attack the Banshee warframes but she wasn't alone, from the mist a army of Stalkers marched. The battle has just begun.


Edited by Gryphticon
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Marauder of Peace

Spin-of of the original Gryphus tech Corporation storyline.





The Corporation, they announced that they wanted peace and nothing more. Hiding its project behind their revolutionary R&D making the world a better place. The sentient species were considered a threat to the Orokin homeland. Armies fell and armies rose, fighting each other but they had one same objective, to eliminate the Orokin, civilized and developed humans with state-of-the-art technology. Gryphus Tech Corporation was the pioneer of that time. With hate in mind, the sentients species continues to push foward towards the Orokin homeland. The situation was urgent, to eliminate the thread, the government decided to create in association with the Gryphus Tech Corporation a deadly bio-weapon now known as the Infested plague. The plague was controlled by the Corporation that leaded them to each sentient base and eliminating them one by one. The victims of this plague would be psychologically unstable and would have large tumors growing on them. After the time of infestation, the victim falls into the control of the Corporation. Being too un-controllable, their bio-weapon turned against them. They had evolved into a independent species. They seeked them too revenge on the Orokin for controlling them, more precisely, the Corporation. The government pointed their finger to the Gryphus Tech Corporation for creating the plague. Massive riots against the Corporation were started. They wanted to restore their reputation, they started a new project, the RCIMA project (Remote Controlled Independent Mobile Armor) aka. Peace Frame program. The Marauder of Peace prototype was born.


Chapter 1



In the heart of the Corporation HQ, a meeting was held concerning the technocyte virus attacking Orokin vessels.
-“The government is blaming us!!! They started the project!!!”
-“Why did we even do that stupid project??”
-“We can use this to start a new project, building an army that would defend us from the virus but it would be our private army!”
-“Of course!”
-“Perfect idea, Gryphticon”
After weeks of preparations, the Corporation’s council was ready to present the project to the government for funding.
-“Gryphus Tech Corporation Council, we have carefully examined your request for funding and your project and we approve it entirely, start working now before the infestation even gets close to our homeland”
-“Thank you, we will use your funding carefully”
The project, approved, started as the Corporation teamed up their best scientists and started to work on this mobile armor. Days passed and each day the infestation got closer and closer. The development of the weapon was finished, the prototype was painted in pure white and it had a over-kill weapon called the Automatic 50mm Grenade Launcher using nano compression technology, the clip size was high and the size of the clip was little. The high ranking members were eager to see the final result, the final day has come. The infestation was in the outer atmosphere of the homeland. At the press of a button, gigantic platforms went out of the ground and the army rose out of the ground. The armor could not be controlled as there was not enough people for the number of armors produced. The mobile armor was controlled by a AI supercomputer in their heads that was little using nano compression technology.
Using high speed jetpacks, the armors went in a clash with a ancient breed of infested birds. As the clash started, explosions could be heard and seen, armors fell.
Gryphticon, the CEO of the corporation wore a special armor designed to have a pilot. This one had a dark armor with a ridiculous amount of firepower mounted on it.
As he said those words, he was launched in the air and his state-of-the-art anti-matter jetpack activated propulsing him as he slashed the infested in half. As he fought, the other high ranking members were preparing for launch in the same armor but white instead of black.
As both Hafeezo and 3deffect talked, they too were propulsed in the air and their jetpacks activated. Cutting infested in half, the real objective was the ship where the infested came from.
-"Attack the drop ship!"
As Gryphticon commanded the AIs, he charged through the ship and thus way destroying the reactor. As the ship stalled out of orbit, Gryphticon realized he made a mistake. In a split second, Gryphticon commanded all armors to push the massive ship back in orbit. As he pushed too, alot of armors were controlled and as he realized that, infested matter touched his armor and everything went black.
As both leaders shouted, the CEO's armor fell in the skies, the AI controlled armors pushed the ship in orbit but Gryphticon's armor hit the ground.
A massive hole was blown in the street. The Orokin Army struggled to contain the infestation on the armor.


To be continued...

Edited by Gryphticon
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