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Vauban Build



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Mod accordingly. Increases Tesla damage and spammability of it. Preferably have a Kubrow where you can stick dozens of Teslas on to have a moving turret of doom. Vortex will deal a tad bit more damage.

The idea is to spam Teslas. A lot of them.

.. Okay I'm trolling.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Vauban isn't really an offensive frame. More support and defensive. While Tesla is decent as mentioned in the above post it loses its effectiveness when enemies are above level 30.


Might I however suggest using a Bastille build instead? its supportive and shuts down whole groups of enemies so that you can easily take them out with your weapons or have your teammates take them out.


I use this build for all non infested missions. - http://tinyurl.com/leblrxs


Its basically for Bastille spamming nothing else. Depending on what mods you have maxed you will have to tweak it to fit everything without forma. You can remove Vortex for more mod capacity if you are sure its not needed but I like having it for situations where there are a lot of enemies grouped together.

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It is not too long on defense either lol.  Low armor and low shields with power expensive abilities.  Decent health but health does not come back (without mods) and shields do --- its not much of a tank or defender at all IMHO.   Vortex is great but shortish range and high costs.  Tesla is just weak; other 25 cost skills can clear a room, tesla can kill 1 enemy over 30 seconds.  Bounce is a joke (does it improve heavy impact at all? that would be a minor crowd control useage if so?)    Bastille is pretty solid. 


I can see him being OK in a good group that can produce tons of energy to feed everything, but outside of an organized group he seems kind of weak to me. 

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