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Ps4 Mastery Rank Test Bug [Megathread]


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I am having a problem with taking my level 9 test. When I tell it I want to take the test the screen goes black for about 10 seconds and then comes back on with me back in my ship. It then tells me that I have to wait another 24 hours before I can take the test. This has happened several times on the other tests. Twice on the level 8 test the game froze up when I completed the test and then made me take the test again after 24 hours. I have talked to several other players and they are having the same problem. One of them tells me he has been trying for over a week to take his level 10 test and every time he tries to take the test the screen goes black, after about 5 to 10 seconds he is back in his ship and has to wait 24 hours to take the test again

A video would be nice..  I'v never heard this problem..    Perhaps re-download the game?  Don't worry you'll still have all your things if you try that<  




EDIT:   I tried to count all the stars in Warframe but there was too many.

Edited by (PS4)Kazaroosue
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I have been experiencing this twice for the last two days. After of what looks like im completing the test, the system did not prompt me out of the test field. i got the results screen shows and give the countdown but after the countdown it didnt take me out. I cant do anything to get out but to force shut down/close the game.


I can however access my menu from the option button and view my results and chat menu,  and i did ask my clanmate's to send me invite, of which i hope it could get me out manually, but it did not. The inv notification shows but it cant be access from the menu.


Edit: And now the system state that i need to wait another 24hrs for a retry. Please advise what should i do to fix this.


here is the video of my test

Edited by (PS4)Grievermode
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Thought i should put this up, although there's still no feedback from either the support or the community.

Yesterday I retried it, and I managed to passed the test.

What I do :

I left my clan (because on my earlier attempt that fails i saw the chat tab keeps updating any new post, of which I fear it might be interfere the connection transmission, I could be wrong but I did it anyway just to make sure, I was kind of frustrated anyway).

I set my matchmaking to solo.

I relogged before doing the test.

So the results was pretty much the same with my earlier attempt. It just left me there hanging. But instead of force shut the game or fiddling pressing any button in hopes it would do anything or screaming "help me" on the chat menu. I just stand still there just kneeling like a statue (I said in my mind "S#&amp;&#036; screws again" with a desperate feeling). At some point I even slept for don't know how long probably 15-20 minutes. Then i heard ordis voice asking me if i was enjoying the view, at which i woke up. Upon waking up I saw I was already back at the liset. Pop up the menu tab and it stated that im a rank 10.

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I just try to go from mastery rank 10 to 11 and the same happens to me too and the worst it is not the first time the same happens to me when trying to rank up from 8 to 9 and from 9 to 10. I would like that some of the programmers or tecn support hear us out, we love the game but it sucks when you spend time, platinum and resources for nothing because we try to rank up and this bug happens, Warframe please look in to this.

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I do not know if anyone else has had this issue, But I have encountered it twice on separate accounts, on two separate ps4's, on two different days. When I hit rank up for myself or my wives accounts the screen goes black and you see the ship flight loading screen. Your then back in your ship with no rank up board loaded. When you go back to rank up it says you can only test once a day and your on the 24 hour lockout. Is this a known bug with some kind of fix coming? It sucks because I finally earned up to rank 6 and the game is blocking me out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello, first I'd like to say thank you, and be grateful for everything that Does work. You all are doing a great job, a game is no easy feat. However I went to do my rank test from 3 to 4, and it never did end.

As I understand it this problem has reached back since early April, with no definite fix. When an issue prevails this long, and given that the wait time is still 24 hours, and it was not a faliar on my part, it is regrettable to continue buying products, as my leveling up and playing is useless, given the amount of time in between before it is actually going towards my next rank. Thank you, but if this issue continues I will no longer be able to play your well designed game

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  • 4 weeks later...

My turn....

MR test 13 - missed the platform on the 1st attempt and instead of resetting the test to attempt 2 - it reset the game!!!!! back to playstation home screen.


when logging back in I have to wait 24 hours to redo the test.

and there is nothing wrong with my home or ps4 setting before anyone asks!

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  • 1 month later...

My friend recently got the game (about a week ago) and like most players he was eligible to test to increase his mastery rank to 1 within a few hours. Well the first time he actually failed the test, but when he attempted the next day the game would not let him draw his bow. And every day since the bow incident he has attempted to rank up with different weapons and the game bugs out and wont let him fire any of his weapons.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've encountered a bug on the MR 11 test, the one that requires you to run through the course and shoot orbs to get more time on the countdown clock.  Shooting the orbs only adds 1 second to the countdown clock, making the test impossible to completed.  I've tried and failed this test about 11 times and it is really frustrating.  With syndicate primaries on the way, which require a MR 12 to purchase, I will be really frustrated if the bug isn't fixed. 


I know DE has a small team, and I love the work they do, but I'd really liked this fixed,  It kinds of decreases my motivation to play (and I end up spending more time in Destiny).


Thanks guys.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

During the MR 8 to 9 test, I was spawned right in front of a guard after being detected. I failed as a result. Not sure if this is a bug or not, but during my first attempt I was detected and spawned from the beginning. The same problem happened once while I was taking the practice test. Fortunately, I wasn't close to a guard that time so I wasn't detected. Again, I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I distinctly remember being spawned from that section's starting point after being detected on a previous attempt.

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