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MY game experience (frustrations and other stuff)


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This is pretty much what i've been trying to say, but he insists that the game is too hard for new players.

I agree with you on this. I too don't find the game to hard, the tutorial is just not good enough, especially for ppl not familiar with shooters whatsoever.

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"I agree with you on this. I too don't find the game to hard, the tutorial is just not good enough, especially for ppl not familiar with shooters whatsoever."

I did not insist , he contantly argued that game is not hard for noone and its not hard to solo at all

Yes game is easy 4 noobs playing together , but 1 noob doing solo nope and thats what im talking about for

Solo should supposed to be usualy way to play before you play with other players , here it seams to be other way around , you play with people to get so familiar with game you can solo

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"I agree with you on this. I too don't find the game to hard, the tutorial is just not good enough, especially for ppl not familiar with shooters whatsoever."

I did not insist , he contantly argued that game is not hard for noone and its not hard to solo at all

Yes game is easy 4 noobs playing together , but 1 noob doing solo nope and thats what im talking about for

Solo should supposed to be usualy way to play before you play with other players , here it seams to be other way around , you play with people to get so familiar with game you can solo

I must quote a line from another thread: "Oh god forbid they optimize a co-op game for co-op difficulty, not for solo"

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"I must quote a line from another thread: "Oh god forbid they optimize a co-op game for co-op difficulty, not for solo""

Then remove solo option

Problem solved

Lol..... Let me say again what i have said a few replies back: A few friends of mine have joined and are laughing about how easy it is to solo the first few maps.

Please don't ignore me this time.

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People like to learn , people not like to be raped on first level , potential "this game is too hard , ^^@ this $$^@#$@ im going back to bf3 <add random game>" is customer lost

Dafuq?! Bf3 isn´t easy -.-

I'd like to forward you to Eve Online. Same issues are brought up daily on their forum, yet thousands of people still login daily. It's not always a bad thing, a steep learning curve is in my opinion fun. Plus it weeds out immature people who want everything handed to them.

EVE is extremely complex but NOT hard, especially not at the beginning.

Actually EVE is the complete opposite of this game here.

EVE: Very easy at the beginning and a million things you learn in the first 20 minutes and getting more and more complex and hard the further you get.

WF: Hard at the beginning and about 3 things to learn. That´s it. Later on, getting more and more easy!

And you also seem to forget there are a ton of F2P games out there, yet this is the first (?) pure PvE so far in this style at least. So it´s niche already. Scaring people away after 5 minutes and making it even more niche by this, won´t be very profitable for the publisher.

Edited by AmmokK
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And you also seem to forget there are a ton of F2P games out there, yet this is the first (?) pure PvE so far in this style at least. So it´s niche already. Scaring people away after 5 minutes and making it even more niche by this, won´t be very profitable for the publisher.

O.o you haven't read the rest of the thread have you? The game is laughable easy as is. Just as much at the start as at the end. None of my friends have had issues at the start anyhow.

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"Dafuq?! Bf3 isn´t easy -.-"

Point and shot

"And you also seem to forget there are a ton of F2P games out there, yet this is the first (?) pure PvE"

Could name a dozen of these , examples? Runes of magic (very good f2p PVE rpg game) path of exile (upcoming open beta on 17)

firefall (closed beta) planetside2 , fallen earth , list goes on with these i herd of but these i played personaly for month atleast with exeption of planetside 2 , but its too "famous" not to mention

thing i ment game is too hard to start and gets too easy after but everyone is like "game isfine as it is" so ill leave it there

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Sure it´s easy but you tend to forget not everyone may be a player as good as you are. There are people who play shooters like twice a month and have a K/D of 0.5 and still have fun! (Actually there have to be players like that, i need someone to kill ^^)

But scaring those "bad" players away would be a very stupid more from any F2P maker. Better lure them with easy gameplay and then, after a few levels when they start to really like the game, sell them revives! Scaring them away before they even reached the second level isn´t smart.

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Sure it´s easy but you tend to forget not everyone may be a player as good as you are. There are people who play shooters like twice a month and have a K/D of 0.5 and still have fun! (Actually there have to be players like that, i need someone to kill ^^)

But scaring those "bad" players away would be a very stupid more from any F2P maker. Better lure them with easy gameplay and then, after a few levels when they start to really like the game, sell them revives! Scaring them away before they even reached the second level isn´t smart.

I'd like to hear a new players aspect on it. This game wasn't meant to be solo'd. So far any and all complaints posted from new users was that the game is too hard at the start SOLO. On a game that is optimized for co-op gameplay, that is to be expected.

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Sure it´s easy but you tend to forget not everyone may be a player as good as you are. There are people who play shooters like twice a month and have a K/D of 0.5 and still have fun! (Actually there have to be players like that, i need someone to kill ^^)

But scaring those "bad" players away would be a very stupid more from any F2P maker. Better lure them with easy gameplay and then, after a few levels when they start to really like the game, sell them revives! Scaring them away before they even reached the second level isn´t smart.

Finaly , somone got what i was tyring to say :O

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"Dafuq?! Bf3 isn´t easy -.-"

Point and shot

"And you also seem to forget there are a ton of F2P games out there, yet this is the first (?) pure PvE"

Could name a dozen of these , examples? Runes of magic (very good f2p PVE rpg game) path of exile (upcoming open beta on 17)

firefall (closed beta) planetside2 , fallen earth , list goes on with these i herd of but these i played personaly for month atleast with exeption of planetside 2 , but its too "famous" not to mention

thing i ment game is too hard to start and gets too easy after but everyone is like "game isfine as it is" so ill leave it there

Oh, you mean by mechanics, okay, then BF3 is easy indeed (mostly).

I should´ve been more clear, of course i meant F2P PvE CoOp TPS game!

RoM is an MMO

Planetside 1&2 MMO FPS

PoE beta as well, so we don´t know which willbe there first

Firefall MMO shooter

So they really aren´t like Warframe after all.

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Firefall MMO shooter

aint this mmo shoter too? or i am playing wrong game all time?

RoM is an MMO

you got TPP viev just like here

Well , only similar game to some degree is darkspore and ME3 multiplayer , its closest gameplay wise games i can thinkoff

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I'd like to hear a new players aspect on it. This game wasn't meant to be solo'd. So far any and all complaints posted from new users was that the game is too hard at the start SOLO. On a game that is optimized for co-op gameplay, that is to be expected.

Well, you are right about this, they mostly play solo, yes. But you know what? Let them! If they want it the hard way (aka solo) it´s their fault for trying. Just don´t show it to them right from the start. Show it to them slowly & gently. This will keep them longer and therfor gain DE more money and this will benefit us all because: more money for them equals more content for us!

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Firefall MMO shooter

aint this mmo shoter too? or i am playing wrong game all time?

RoM is an MMO

you got TPP viev just like here

Well , only similar game to some degree is darkspore and ME3 multiplayer , its closest gameplay wise games i can thinkoff

Neither of those is a TPS Co-Op shooter, they're MMO's. This is not an MMO.

Well, you are right about this, they mostly play solo, yes. But you know what? Let them! If they want it the hard way (aka solo) it´s their fault for trying. Just don´t show it to them right from the start. Show it to them slowly & gently. This will keep them longer and therfor gain DE more money and this will benefit us all because: more money for them equals more content for us!

Problem is that the start would be easier than easy at the start when played co-op if you make it easier. They made it so it's possible to do, but hard. Where as co-op makes it relatively easy.

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Neither of those is a TPS Co-Op shooter, they're MMO's. This is not an MMO.

Problem is that the start would be easier than easy at the start when played co-op if you make it easier. They made it so it's possible to do, but hard. Where as co-op makes it relatively easy.

oh really , mass effect 3 not being TPS coop shooter? elighten me more sir you speak wise words...

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Firefall MMO shooter

aint this mmo shoter too? or i am playing wrong game all time?


Well , only similar game to some degree is darkspore and ME3 multiplayer , its closest gameplay wise games i can thinkoff

Well i wouldn´t call 4 people Massively multiplayer ^^

Agree on ME3 online mode. That´s about the closest it will get, yes. And is by the way a very good example of a good learning curve. While absolutly possible at early levels, it will get damn hard on the highest levels but never unfair.

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ME3 was optimized for solo gameplay.

You have no idea what Mass effect 3 multi is like

Its esencialy this game in pill in lesser scale

Watch some movies on youtube from coop and you will see why i kept bring it up across all post

if this is not mmo but coop multiplayer 4 player game i can extend list to some games , darkspore had similar elements , random levels , random loot , leveling your "hero" , there was unloackapbe purchaseble better heroes with difrent skills

l4d series:D hurr

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Well i wouldn´t call 4 people Massively multiplayer ^^

Agree on ME3 online mode. That´s about the closest it will get, yes. And is by the way a very good example of a good learning curve. While absolutly possible at early levels, it will get damn hard on the highest levels but never unfair.

I'd have to honestly say that dead island gets a lot closer. As it was also optimized for co-op gameplay, not for solo gameplay.

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ME3 was optimized for solo gameplay.

We´re talking about the Multiplayer part, not singleplayer ^^

But getting to Warframe soloing again: Why not just make enemies dies a bit faster in solo (only in the beginning!!), problem solved! They will start to play CoOp sooner or later anyway. And if not, again: let them! The game offers it, so why not use it?

I mean, IF a game offers something, it should work perfectly.

You would also complain about your Ferrari making strange sounds and jumping around at low speed even if hasn´t those problems when driving at 200 mph (which it is designed for).

So: offer it -> make it perfect!

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We´re talking about the Multiplayer part, not singleplayer ^^

But getting to Warframe soloing again: Why not just make enemies dies a bit faster in solo (only in the beginning!!), problem solved! They will start to play CoOp sooner or later anyway. And if not, again: let them! The game offers it, so why not use it?

I mean, IF a game offers something, it should work perfectly.

You would also complain about your Ferrari making strange sounds and jumping around at low speed even if hasn´t those problems when driving at 200 mph (which it is designed for).

So: offer it -> make it perfect!

Meh. I'm not for it. I like that for once a game has a steep learning curve rather than a slow one.


Mind you that if you're new at driving a ferrari you'll be stalling it a hell of a lot.

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I'd have to honestly say that dead island gets a lot closer. As it was also optimized for co-op gameplay, not for solo gameplay.

Not really , dead island got lots weapons and gear , firearms but mostly being melee game , dropin multiplayer is there but 90% of people play with friends(so random people dont steal loot) you got just 1 world not levels , you dont replay them but there is 1 story and game is devided between acts

dead island is much much more similar to borderlands and diablo

ITs esencialy singleplayer and coop game with drop in , really only similarity to this game is "coop with drop in" , and these end here (i played deadisland over 100 hours)

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