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Weapon/Armor upgrades should not be so rare.


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It is overall quite frustrating that you have to be really lucky to even get it through either daily reward or alert mission and in a cycle of many other items. And then it is a 1 use blueprint as well.

I see weapon and warframe upgrades as a quite vital part of the game once you progress to the higher stuff. Warframes especially is more or less a must to have upgraded once you start doing stuff on planets like Pluto.

Overall i like the idea of having to farm for an upgrade, but it being so extremely hard to get is a rather bad idea when it comes progressing stuff in the game.

The thing that annoys me the most is that it is buyable in the market for real life cash and for people with deep pockets buying power like that just adds that much more frustration to the rest of people who maybe gets 1-2 upgrades a month with excessive playing.

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The point for the pro replacement was to allow people who didn't want to pay the ability to obtain the upgrade anyway. Sure, it might take a while to find the blueprint for the catalyst, but that's the core of why the cash option is able to work so well.

It's not an impossibility, just an improbability, to obtain the item. What do you find more valuable to you? Your time that it takes to try and farm and craft the item, or the $1.33 it takes to just buy it outright? It gives the option for both types of players. Ones who don't mind supporting the game a little bit are gaining a benefit from doing so (or are just that impatient and don't care about the creators otherwise), and ones that would rather try their best to keep this a free game will work through their items on their own time on the game.

Edit: Based on what I get paid at my job, it takes just under 5 minutes to make buying the catalyst itself more beneficial than trying to farm and craft it.

Edited by Valmar
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The point of it is exactly that, to make people not feel like waiting so they pay to get it faster, i personally can handle waiting for my luck to shine, but not like some moments ago when the freaking mission reward that gave away exactly that item bugs out and gives you nothing.

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you can still buy it for 20 platinum like before in the market, this way,we can actually upgrade for free...dont even complain about that

And the one-time use thing, what, did you want to be able to upgrade every single equipment once you found a catalyst?

Edited by Lil_AB
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I don't think those blueprints are only for the people who do not want to pay (or in some cases are not able to pay). There are those people (me included) who could buy but find it more of a challenge and achievement to farm it myself. It does not matter how long it will take because it gives more reason to play the game. Sure, you need much free time and will to invest in the game so.. the current system is good for everyone i think.

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right now its: random chance for mission allert , random chance to contain reward , and random chance to contain recepie for catalists!

so its random ontop of random ontop of random:V

i feel like playing slot machines again

except your playing the lottery for free and not faving to put anything into it but time. Or you can go for 100% chances lottery sink some cash in and get your upgrade.

Edited by DeathFromBelow
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right now its: random chance for mission allert , random chance to contain reward , and random chance to contain recepie for catalists!

so its random ontop of random ontop of random:V

i feel like playing slot machines again

And how are you losing money while doing alert missions?

I hope that you understand that devs need money too and if everything was easy and wouldn't take long to get, nobody would be willing to spend real money.

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This is such a lame reply when talking about a game.

Not as much as you think , farming something who is rare who in your opinion should not be so rare (i share his thouts about alert rewards)

Can be very very very frustrating , there should be much more weapons right now there is huge gap , store items , and recepie items after patch who no longer drops from bosses but just very rare alert rewards

these who grabed something before patch like you can feel lucky

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Not as much as you think , farming something who is rare who in your opinion should not be so rare (i share his thouts about alert rewards)

Can be very very very frustrating , there should be much more weapons right now there is huge gap , store items , and recepie items after patch who no longer drops from bosses but just very rare alert rewards

these who grabed something before patch like you can feel lucky

I haven't farmed for anything pre-patch, actually. I'm sure we can all agree the alerts have way too much RNG on them, and i believe i've seen the staff sharing the same concerns. But to say that it should be /much/ easier to get is a bit insane.

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I haven't farmed for anything pre-patch, actually. I'm sure we can all agree the alerts have way too much RNG on them, and i believe i've seen the staff sharing the same concerns. But to say that it should be /much/ easier to get is a bit insane.

indeed and not ment everything , but all these negative feedback comes becouse of that huge gap , ether store , or be extremly lucky

"Time is money friend." - "This is such a lame reply when talking about a game." but thats thats how f2p model works:P

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I haven't farmed for anything pre-patch, actually. I'm sure we can all agree the alerts have way too much RNG on them, and i believe i've seen the staff sharing the same concerns. But to say that it should be /much/ easier to get is a bit insane.

Definitly not extremely easier... but surely not as random as it currently is... and not giving you the same artifacts you alredy own (unless the effect powers up if you get more of it).

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